Guy's blog about life with pets in northern mich. for Sunday, April 29, 2007

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Sunday, April 29, 2007

I sometimes have to get creative to hear from my friend, Dave

David, I can only assume that as you disembarked at work from your car, a mighty gust of wind slammed your door on all ten of your fingers, breaking them all and making it impossible to type. I know that one could try typing with one’s tongue but seeing the letters from a couple inches away from one’s typing appendage would take long hours of practice. I would never ask you to do this and never expect you to volunteer to try. You probably bit off part of your tongue when your fingers got... Sign in to see full entry.

The first grade teacher and Valentine's Day

A teacher was explaining that although sight is our primary, therefore most important sense, the others are also very useful. To illustrate this she asked for volunteers to show examples of non-visual identification. A boy volunteer was blindfolded and asked to stick out his tongue for a taste he could recognize. A slice of peach was recognized easily. A little girl, blindfolded as well, then announced that she had just tasted a slice of banana. "Excellent", the teacher said. The final volunteer... Sign in to see full entry.

The human brain, human thinking process' and lack thereof.

Am I the only one who thinks that the Enzyte, Viagra And Cyalis Commercials should have for a theme song, “It don’t mean a thing, if it ain’t got that swing?” Now it is too late, some other irritating commercial, advertising some other irritating product, has already used it. It seems logical to me that a large enough percentage of intelligent people would decide to “vote with their wallet” for companies that don’t insult them with irritating moronic commercials and against the ones that do! It... Sign in to see full entry.

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