Guy's blog about life with pets in northern mich. for Sunday, May 6, 2007

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Sunday, May 6, 2007

The illogical garden.

What seemed a reasonable goal to accomplish on a Saturday, took the whole damned weekend. Can someone explain to me how a garden can get larger and larger each year and still stay within the original boundaries? It must involve some kind of undiscovered “Bizarro” law of physics, bending of time and space, like arriving somewhere before you left. It doesn’t make sense but there it IS! The only thing that keeps me plugging away is the knowledge that there will be a bushel or two of beautiful,... Sign in to see full entry.

Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, but NOT me!

Does it drive everyone crazy to realize that some quickly thought up reply in one’s everyday life could have been much better or funnier or insightful, if only a few more seconds were taken for thought before speaking? The dreaded, “I should have saids!” I regularly kick myself for these lapses of inspired thought, because I enjoy making people laugh or be thought more intelligent than I am. The other day at work I was standing at a computer screen reading something and afterwards my friend Roy... Sign in to see full entry.

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