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The Ciel Show - 4 hours ago
Sitting here in a darkening afternoon, the temperature dropping as...
By Ciel

My Education Experience - 9 hours ago
I Already Read Those - After fourth grade, I transferred from public...
By FormerStudentIntern

Quotes & Notes - 13 hours ago
Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking. - H....
By BigV

Life in the fast lane--where's the on ramp? - 14 hours ago
By Pat_B

The Car Wash Life - 1 day ago
"Like the Virgin Birth" - Summer 2002. Father Ernesto showed up to...
By FormerStudentIntern

Anything and Everything - 2 days ago
Tubbin' in the Winter - For years, the idea of using a hot tub when it was...
By FormerStudentIntern

TAPS' Take - 10 days ago
With A Severe Thunderstorm Watch In Effect... - .....I have decided not to...

First Blog - 28 days ago
First Entry - So I'm writing this blog because it helps me get my thoughts...
By NickD_9782

Tales from the Bush in Quebec - Jun 24, 2024
ON THIS 24th OF JUNE - It is a lovely sunny and breezy day, especially...
By adnohr

Aspirations with Coffee Anytime! - Apr 1, 2024
Coffee and planning on moving! - Goodmorning my friends, Easter for us...
By kat83

Bob’s Travel Blog - Dec 28, 2023
Two Months , 16, 000 mile roadtrip(s). - Bob Log - Off to Nashville Again...
By QuailNest

My life - Sep 3, 2023
Happy memories. - I can remember this as being the most important book in...
By slam

Inside The Purple Purse - Jun 23, 2023
Gosh time flies - I had a wonderful couple of days with Robert. The...
By Inside_The_Purple_Purse

Driftwood - May 15, 2023
Oh dear lost the plot - Does anyone know how to save an entry as you...
By mneme

Curio Spring Billboard/Staccato Rainbow - Feb 5, 2023
Net Air - Learning To breathe Without A net
By teddypoet52

HOW I BECAME - Jan 24, 2023
Help Gd - Dear God, i have no idea whats going on in this season of my...
By AntoineJ2121

The Repatriated ExPat - Dec 26, 2022
Boxing Day - How nice to have a day for just unwinding after the busy...
By mneme

My Day - Sep 20, 2022
Going Too Far - Going Too Far She knew she shouldn’t have done it. It was...
By julynn

Memory Lane - Jun 16, 2022
Action man Flame thrower. - The UK version of this was called: "Action...
By slam

skye08 Living with Alzhiemer's - Aug 6, 2021
I Can Go By Myself - C had a doctors appointment yesterday. We went...
By skye08

is it more than just sex? - Aug 1, 2021
i fuckin love you - I fuckin love you. i am in love with you and wanna...
By crazy_mess1987

Soap box junk - May 3, 2021
Bitcoin - There was a report on U-Tube saying that bitcoin is booming...
By slam

Pen and Quill - Mar 31, 2021
Meeting the neighbors. - Eagle Mountain Journal 11/07/20 Yesterday, met...
By QuailNest

One Stormy Night - Mar 13, 2020
Special Powers - Writing Prompt: Two people are in a relationship. One of...
By onestormynight

Emily - Mar 10, 2020
She spent Saturday night... - As you may notice in the BUB entry earlier...
By Mary_What

Write a blog!