On Writing

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Goldiec - 13 hours ago
Good Morning from Cleveland - It's chilly this morning. The temps are in...
By Goldiec

From The Past - 21 hours ago
Moving On...Part II - Only details and finishing touches the scientists...

Hot Off The Press! - 22 hours ago
(No subject)
By Amanda__

On Writing - 17 days ago
The Rise & Use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) Bots - You may have heard...
By BigV

Book Promo. - Sep 8, 2022
Love On Black Wings - Hello, and welcome to the official blog of Love On...
By DLRitter27

Writing Prompts - Oct 20, 2020
Prompt for Sunday, October 19, 2020 - Find the closest ordinary item next...
By Jemmie211

Journaling as Spiritual Practice - Sep 8, 2020
Living Intentionally Posted byshamsuddin001 January 10, 2020 Leave a commen
By Shams-i-Heartsong

How do you create content that people want to read? - How do you create...
By christinadanderson

Poetry work - Nov 24, 2018
I always have you - I will always love you even on infinite abilities....
By Nressia

100 Words BLOG - Jul 7, 2017
(No subject)
By cripfemme

Writing to Become an Author - Jun 22, 2017
Unexpected Consequences - The Pern ship slipped into orbit around the...
By simpledykie

Justjello - Feb 10, 2017
political - I STEPPED BACK AND WATCHED I waited a lifetime to participate...
By Justjello

Un-Spoken Confusion-Spoken "My Life" - May 10, 2016
When I died who did I become Being, the woman I AM TODAY. - Today...
By dtut

UniqueOldGal Poetry and Opinions - Aug 5, 2015
Oh, to be in my little room where I can dream and sleep, as up the...
By UniqueOldGal

WolfQuill Poetry - Jun 2, 2015
I am the Wolf - Sometimes in the darkest hour of night. before the sky...
By WolfWriter

Sent! - Jan 24, 2014
My poem accepted by Rogue Particles - The new journal Rogue Particles is...
By cripfemme

Fern On the Writing Life - Oct 8, 2013
Anxiety related to fear? - Oct.8,2013 Today I started thinking about how...
By clownwriter66

An Author's Life for Me - May 11, 2013
FREE on AMAZON - 5/11-5/15 BELMUNDUS - FREE Epic Novel Introducing...
By MedicineFlower

Miz_Circe's Writing Journey - Mar 16, 2013
W.H. Auden's Advice to Writers - Trying to be Original? Forgetabouit! - I...
By Miz_Circe

Once Upon A Rejection - Oct 16, 2012
A new lap top! - So I have been doing alot of reading about writing....
By Katherine_Ann

Walk In Livi's Shoes... - Jul 25, 2012
Snippet of my story...(Copyright 2012 Olivia) - He was very sexy. Even...
By LiviJay

HOPE GIVING HOPE - Feb 12, 2012
Twleve Things Women Love about Men! - A man she can completely trust A man...
By hope26

Write ON! An Intuitive Guide to Creative Writing - Jan 12, 2012
Writer's Block Cure Exerciese #1: Descriptive Writing Practice: Fruit - ...
By spiritualcat

Just a little note to say good-bye - I had lots of fun here over the years...
By benzinha

An Original List - Sep 17, 2011
German Writers Needed - Paid writing gig available for writers who can...
By Original_Influence

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