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Thursday, February 6, 2025

No News is...

I feel guilty about making an entry as very little has happened to Mum and I in the past month. We have not faced any real hurdles, but maybe that's a good thing? We solved all the problems of the social services and the money. We could have carried on with them for free, but Mother found them a chore and asked them to stop coming. Our problems can be sorted out between us, and we can carry on anyway. the money is coming in nicely and the stock market has been very good to us. I make a modest... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Other people's problems

I'm so self-absorbed with my own problems that I clean forget about those of the neighbours. Shaun had just lost all his chickens to the fox. He was down to 3 but there is a young fox about and they were easy pickings for them. He has also lost 2 of his dogs, one on Christmas Eve. Another neighbour lost a dog which really knocked him back. You get so caught up in your own little world, that you can't see the worry of others. Another house I look after is going through a tough time. Its owner is... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, January 18, 2025


Well we are now at the point where we think we can dismiss the social service carers, and manage ourselves. Mother feels we don't need them any more, and can handle the whole thing ourselves. We were given a hospital bed, which meant Mother could have a room downstairs. But she is determined to get up and down the stairs. I brought her a new mattress and everything is ready for her to go back to her bedroom, I will still have to help her get up and down stairs, but she is determined to make it.... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

How Long?

Things are going well for us now, and Mother is wondering how long we need the caregivers to come in. There is nothing they do that we can't do between us, and once we get over the embarrassment of it all, I agree. We have the money side of things to sort out, but I'm confident, it will sort itself out. Nothing to worry about moneywise. I do have to buy Mother a new mattress for her bed. Then she can go back to her room. The next problem is getting her to climb the stairs. She is determined to... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


Once I told Mother how much it would cost us to keep paying for the social care service, she told me she is now determined to get better. In the new year, she says she wants to return to her old room, even if she has to crawl up the stairs on her hands and knees. She would do it too! The doctors have told us there is nothing really wrong with her, other than recovering from flu and the fall. She caught the infection from the hospital. We have had a running battle with the prescription, but... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Life goes on

Well, we are settling down to the new normal. Mum is trying her best to recover, but she has gone through so much, I think it's a little unfair of me to expect her to be up and running, just like that. This time last week she was still on a drip for anti-biotics because she was still recovering from the flu she received in hospital. So to dismiss a spinal injury is a big ask. One of her biggest problems is to stop taking morphine for pain. She does not sleep well, and it just makes her groggy... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Mother coming home

Mum comes back to our house on Friday morning. The carers will be calling in that afternoon. I'm not sure how things will work out, as Mother can barely walk, but she says we will just have to work it out. I did not think this day would ever come around, but I hope it does. Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Bed arrives!

Well Mother's new medical bed has arrived. She has a slight infection, which she caught at Peterborough hospital. So once she is free of that, she can be discharged. I'm trying not to count my chickens, but it looks good. One thing she lacks is confidence. She does not seem to feel confident in walking again. She can walk a small distance, but once she feels wobbly she gives in, and we don't know why. But things are looking up. Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Good Signs!

Mother must be getting better. One sign is that even though she is in pain when she tries to move in the hospital bed, the very next moment she is falling out with the nurses. Not in a bad way, but she can always find time to tell them where they are going wrong. They all laugh about it afterward, which must be a good sign. I wish I had more to talk about other than the worries about my Mum. There is someone else I look after in the village, who is going through a bad time, but I shall build up... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Getting better!

Isn't it strange that when one aspect of your life is pressured, you realise just how vulnerable you are. Mother is making a slow recovery but it will take time. I am worried about the level of care she will need when she returns home. But I did stop to think: what would happen if? I could continue living here for another six months, but then I would be eating into my savings and cashing in shares. You certainly can not live in the state today. What's more, I would have to move into a small... Sign in to see full entry.

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