Member Profile for BigV


 See my "About Me" page

Member Since:

November 28, 2002
Contact: Send E-mail
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Big V Mumbles About Something - 13 hours ago
This was the show from last night! I come in at roughly the 20-minute mark.
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 14

Stories, Novels, and Other Such Stuff From Big V - 17 hours ago
Finding Myself Again - Part Six - As the afternoon gave way to evening, I...
Fiction - Popularity rank: 27

Photos by Big V - 16 hours ago
A 'Royal' Night in the UP - I managed to see the Northern Lights a lot in...
Arts & Photography - Popularity rank: 30

Quotes & Notes - 17 hours ago
Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking. - H....
Journal - Popularity rank: 31

On Writing - 18 days ago
The Rise & Use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) Bots - You may have heard...
On Writing - Popularity rank: 35

Grief Quotes and Notes - 17 hours ago
"I didn't want him to think I was giving up - I wasn't. I simply...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 38

Lisa Unchained - Jun 17, 2024
Over the last few days, my hubby hasn't been feeling good. He has been...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 46