Member Profile for Ciel


 See my "About Me" page

Member Since:

December 31, 2004
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The Ciel Show - 1 hour ago
Sitting here in a darkening afternoon, the temperature dropping as...
Journal - Popularity rank: 6

Adventuring: A Travelblogue with Photos - 7 days ago
Alternate routes - Driving up to Boulder a couple of days ago, about 20...
Travel - Popularity rank: 24

Kitchen Shenanigans - 7 days ago
Breakfast adventures! - This morning I nuked a packet of the Tasty Bite...
Cooking, Food & Wine - Popularity rank: 39

Loosely Speaking - 29 days ago
On the eve of destruction or re-affirmation - I was thinking about the...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 42

How the Universe looks from here - Nov 23, 2023
Cosmic Models (continued) - It begins with the image of concentric...
Religion & Spirituality - Popularity rank: 71


LAYS OF MIDDLE-EARTH part one - Feb 16, 2008

by Ciel3,968 words, poem

a tribute to JRR Tolkien. A series of poems celebrating Tolkien's Middle-earth: its history, its peoples, and the land itself.. Notes on the poems give some basic clarification for readers not familiar with the works of Tolkien..

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A time there was when trees were silver / and growing leaves were truly gold / and laughter light as lace, / of magic folk, made lyrics for / the music of the streams and breezes // And Mystery crackled in the air / in every season endless... / And Elven grace danced everywhere... / and Elven power shaped the land and time, / And names were named,/ and speech was taught,/ And the night was filled with stars / that sang / and blessed... from THE ELVEN WOOD

SOUL IN THE WATERS - Dec 31, 2007

by Ciel332 words, poem

from a dolphin point of view. three linked poems. Imagining the world-view of the dolphin in the highly-sensory environment of the ocean.

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Dive, dive, / descending / into darkness, / cool, / and cold... / and feel the hold / of the Embrace / that presses ever closer / in the greater dark, / the deeper, deepest blue...

Volcano Diary: Mount Saint Helens, 2004 by CL Redding - Dec 29, 2007

by Ciel2,140 words, article

journal entries w/ photos. Several days of close observation during a time of activity of Mt St Helens, a few miles from home.. When a volcano is going off in my back yard, I can't just sit in the house watching it on TV..

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I didn’t intend to sit here all night, but wanted to wait until it was quiet. Really quiet. Just in case there was something to hear. For a couple of hours, there was the constant ebb and flow of car traffic, about one vehicle coming into the area for every 5 or 6 going out, then one for every 3 or 4, and finally, hardly any traffic either way. From here, headlights show them coming either way for miles, and the hillsides contain and reflect the sounds. It was not until just after 8PM that I...

THE MONEY SHOT - Dec 29, 2007

by Ciel2,207 words, short story

short short, magical realism. a photographer's dream: getting the million-dollar image!. But at the end of the world, what is it worth? This short short story emerged from a dream I actually had.

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When the moon came over the horizon, she came steadily, graciously, like a duchess gliding along a grand staircase. It was hardly an unexpected moment, it had been in the Farmer’s Almanac, this moonrise, since the asteroid that just missed Earth glanced off her and she began her slow elegant spiral inwards, the Duchess descending the stair...