Question of the Day
- Jan 13, 2024
Did I just delete my next entry? - It was a pretty good blog, if I dont...
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Nail File
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Senior Narcissists - Why are these otherwise respectable adults’...
Antiques & Collectibles
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Bob’s Travel Blog
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Two Months , 16, 000 mile roadtrip(s). - Bob Log - Off to Nashville Again...
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Prints of Peas
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WHO On What, Where, Why and When to Vaccinate - ...
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Porch Light Pets
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Do you think of women serving in the military? - Just in case some of you...
Everything Else
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Pen and Quill
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Meeting the neighbors. - Eagle Mountain Journal 11/07/20 Yesterday, met...
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Pull Toy
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Snow Angel - Mom’s death came like a welcomed snow plow in the midst of a...
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Top That Rammen
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Spring Menu? - Its still a good time for soup. Celery Cheddar= made With a...
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p O s t s C r i p t
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Outsourced, the Film - This amusing film does a good job of illustrating...
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Salty Ride
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Fear of Flying? - Here's some insight for you from a former Delta Customer...
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Via Tuscani
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Outsourced, the Film - This amusing film does a good job of illustrating...
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American Stew
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Jury of Her Tears - Jury of Her Tears It is evident to me in most drama or...
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Slap Shot
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Angel in Black and White - The flashing lights from the police car were a...
Sports & Leisure
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by QuailNest1,728 words, article
Essay on Love and Death. Let's talk about Love, does it make the world go "round?.
When friendship is founded on virtue lasting bonds are built that glue together relationships. Friendship is founded through trust and benevolence, generosity and sensitivity. Not all love is necessarily nice. St. Augustine compared Eros with the love of God. He pointed out that much of our dysfunction comes from expecting perfect eternal love form others, a void only God can fill. Augustine concluded that humans are finite and our notion of romantic love is disordered.

by QuailNest0 words, short story
just monkeying around. He's in de NIle.

by QuailNest0 words, article
About Barnes' Novel. Barnes wrote "the History of the World in Ten and a Half Chapters". This essay takes an indepth look at his message..

by QuailNest86 words, poem
Loving Always. Loving is Family.
From your conceptions, pregnancies and births, We welcomed you to our world

by QuailNest92 words, poem
empty nest. time for flight.
Is forgiveness given by the Wind?

by QuailNest63 words, poem
taste of honey. affirmations.
Falcon's cry awakening this continuing dream...

by QuailNest53 words, poem
realization-love. leave the past alone.
You're back from your trip, It's time to disembark the ship

by QuailNest95 words, poem
love sonnet. sweethearts unite.
It is your spirit that captures me, Your wisdom, playfulness and sensitivity...

by QuailNest21 words, poem
Sonnet to my soul mate.... realization of a destiny.