Member Profile for skye08


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July 16, 2006
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Fibromyalgia by skye08 - Feb 6, 2024
Waiting on God - I could always tell when I a patient had a patient...
Health & Fitness - Popularity rank: 68

skye08 Living with Alzhiemer's - Aug 6, 2021
I Can Go By Myself - C had a doctors appointment yesterday. We went...
Journal - Popularity rank: 143

skye01 A Caregivers Thoughts - Sep 22, 2018
See Fibromyalgia by skye01 - See
Relationships - Popularity rank: 340


The Ice Cream Hero - Jul 23, 2008

by skye08620 words, short story

Children's story. The cows have jumped over the moon and there's no Ice Cream for birthday parties.. Blake saves the cows and birthday parties.

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Bananas in the mid-twenty first century were extremely valuable. All the cows had jumped over the moon and there were no bananas for banana splits or birthday cakes. Blake became a starship admiral and herded the cows back home.

My Child - Jul 17, 2008

by skye08207 words, poem

dedicated to my son. dealing with the death of my child.

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For all but a child, the connection of loves comes to you.

The Blessing of Fibromyalgia - Jul 9, 2008

by skye087,093 words, article

A summary of fibromyalgia. An overview of fibromyalgia, symptoms not always discussed by physicians.. This discusses symptoms, diagnosis, medical and alternative therapies such as Healing Touch, Reiki, Massage, Chiropractors,.

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Image waking up every day with the flu. You wake with pain, nausea, dizziness, and weakness every day for years. These symptoms are accompanied by extreme fatigue, sore spots on your arms, legs, chest, and back, chronic irritation of the mucosa tissue of the mouth, nose, bronchial tubes, vagina and rectum, temperature intolerance, hot sweats, cold sweats, bladder spasms, painful urination,irritable bowel syndrome, weird rashes, slow growing hair and brittle nails, chronic pelvic pain, headaches,