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Manda's Musings - 9 hours ago
Good Morning - Good morning. There is no better way to celebrate the...
By Amanda__

Michael's Lessons Learned from Living - 3 days ago
Keeping It Real - "Keeping it real." I often heard this phrase when I was...
By BearcatMike

Why? - Mar 2, 2022
Ukraine? - Zelensky wants LESS war, then why is he requesting MORE...
By Glennb

It's All About Choices - Sep 10, 2021
We all have the choice to decide for ourselves - America has given us many...
By Moonwind

It's Time To Get Your Head Out Of Your App! - Aug 19, 2021
Do You Get It Yet????
By Corbin_Dallas

If I get smart with you....how will you know? - Aug 19, 2021
The Only Waitress in History who has Briught Nothing to the Table!
By Corbin_Dallas

It's not ALL about Covid - Aug 18, 2021
Yes, Covid is here, but it's temporary if we play it safe. - Have you...
By Moonwind

Human design, along with other types of design - Jun 25, 2020
Marriage-related shocking implications of covid-19 pandemic - As if the...
By Arabest

My Soap Box - Mar 30, 2020
Bittersweet. - During this trying time, I try to find the humorous or...
By food4thought

A different view - Mar 25, 2020
Inside Depression - Inside Depression....The beginning..... Darkness...
By DMac_32

The Rev. Jim Speaks In - Jan 27, 2020
My Sermon: Who does Jesus say we are? - My Sermon: Who does Jesus say we...
By Shams-i-Heartsong

betsy;s page - Jan 14, 2020
tomorrow is magical - tomorrow is so magical. It is like a unicorn....
By betsylou

Sheri`s_opinions (Copyright 2011 sheri palmer) - Dec 14, 2019
Be Bold, Be Brave, Whatever Your Destiny.(Copyright Dec.2019 Sheri Palmer) - ...
By sherilynn3

Becoming the Minority - Oct 11, 2019
When YOU are the Minority - That's right. Think about all the times that...
By Moonwind

Layla's Lounge - Jun 20, 2019
Welcome to my blog !😊 2022 - Hi everyone welcome to my blog layla's...
By Missmillenial

' !! Christina D. Anderson's Opinions ' - May 23, 2019
This is a test .. Why should I follow your Blog? - Looking for great...
By christinadanderson

Pawn or not to Pawn - Apr 25, 2019
My Pawn experience! - Hello Fellow Writers: Well, Since my life is at a...
By tauruswriter82

Sixty-something - Life in Renovation Mode - Jan 6, 2019
Sunday evening... - ...And I am gearing up to go back to work. A quiet...
By Celeste632

Your brain on INSTA-SMACK - Oct 25, 2018
Haiku for like, you! - Like I don't know, y'know Is it like, or is it so?...
By Chillin_wit_Hil

Libra View - Apr 3, 2018
Selfishness/Greed causes loss of self (lessons from time) - Share...
By Katray2

jeansaw - Mar 4, 2018
just being lazy - i need an imaginary friend to come and help me out one...
By overtherainbow

Raw - Dec 26, 2017
The years go by - The streets here are different. There is a familiarity,...

A Knights Tale - Dec 26, 2017
Where does the time go? - Wow! It's hard to believe that it has been seven...

Miss millennial opinions - Nov 23, 2017
Sexual harassment why respect matters - Hi everyone it's been a crazy year...
By Cookie333

By Lanetay

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