The Ciel Show

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Sunday, October 20, 2024

Autumn's here

At 7am, the sky is lightening outside, and we're in fog, unusual for here. It's 45 F outside, and we expect mid-60s today. I'm feeling the cold, but not because of the thermometer here. Since yesterday I've been binging on a season of ALONE: 10 tough men and women are dropped individually in remote surroundings to live, to survive, to outlast the other 9. They-are determined to survive and go not just for the prize--$500 K--but to test themselves and their survival skills against a harsh and... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Accomplishments and Revelations

Today I had an appointment with my tax prep guy. There's a complication with the Colorado tax return which is obstructing a return of significant amount of money so I whisked the paperwork off to George to make sure things are getting done correctly. As it happens, it was even more complicated than I thought, but he was right on it, and now the ball is back in Colorado Revenue's court. In the process, George pointed out that my driver's license expired on my birthday! So--first thing tomorrow... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Well, that's done...!

We're getting temps in the 30s at night now, even when days get up to 80. Pretty soon I might (just might ) close the window at night. I do sleep better with fresh air and a breeze when I go to bed, but then before I wake up, it's just a bit cold in the house. As it happens, my furnace is not working: the thermostat starts it up, but then there's no flame. I told my landlord not to send anyone to fix it until this week, there was so much going on with my Seattle daughter and her family visiting... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Soooo tired this evening!

This weekend my daughter from Seattle, her husband and two girls are in town! After much shuffling of intentions and people's schedules, they arrived Friday afternoon and we went out to an early dinner at a local Thai place that was quite worth the experience! These are people who like good food, and this place--Chaang Thai--did not disappoint! Yesterday started early with a drive to and walk around Garden of the Gods. Since the cruise a few weeks ago, with all the walking from one end of the... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Pleasant Day

Today is bright and calm, temps in the 70s and no rain or cloud expected. We went out early, fulfilling yesterday's plan to have lunch next door to the vet where Charlie buys special food for his elder cat. We didn't do it yesterday because about when it was time to head out, my guts informed me that it the course of wisdom to stay home. Today they created no such interference! A stop at Trader Joe's netted pleasing purchases. Every fall they carry some corn chips colored and shaped like autumn... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sittin' home Sunday

While Charlie is off at the last of the jugger league days for the season, I'm at home where I am focusing on the peculiar ups and downs of my blood-sugar levels and the comfort of having a handy bathroom at any given moment. Missing out on the league day is balanced well enough by those needful conveniences. This morning while sorting and tossing collections of papers and stuff from my desk, I requested Alexa to play my daughter's podcast, THE DEAL WITH ANIMALS. This series' theme was the ways... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Catching up and some cool news

Sunny day, another hot one--hopefully Summer's last hurrah for this year--at 92 the expected high. Feeling so much better now, though still dealing with some of the residual effects of whatever is messing with my system. It could be the melatonin itself--even a little too much can create the issues I've been having, so I am going to hold off on the supplement and aim to get it in my food. Interesting that melatonin can contribute to hypoglycemic events, that it actually affects insulin... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

One thing drives out another...!

This weekend Charlie expected to be in Victor at another street fair, this one with a Steampunk theme. He had a handshake agreement with the organizer but in this past week could not reach him to confirm it. So he contacted the people who run the Curiosities show here in town this same weekend. They offered him a 10x10 booth for $200, less than the usual $320. I guess they were very eager to fill a hole! So there he is, nicely set up indoors, while, as it happen, it is snowing in the streets of... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Party games

At the party, Charlie set up entertainments for everyone. There were boffers, of course, although rather than dueling, one little fellow delighted in walloping the inflated, butt-weighted dinosaur with various styles of weapons. A couple of kids--twins--also walloped each other with glee. There was a fishing game for kids: a fishing pole with a big hook on the end of the string dipped into a bucket of 'fish' which were fish-shaped zippered pouches containing prizes. With the Compass Rose Stage... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Hello again!

Can't believe, but can, that it has been a week and a half since I've dropped in to write! Since getting back from cruise and road trip adventures, and with the Eleventy-first Birthday Bash to accomplish, it has been a poor time for thinking out blog posts. But those things are done now, and though the coming weekends will be busy with business and traveling--mostly Charlie's things--it suddenly feels like there is time to relax. As it happened, around 20 of the 30 people we expected actually... Sign in to see full entry.

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