Member Profile for teddypoet52


Member Since:

August 31, 2011
Contact: Send E-mail
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Curio Spring Billboard/Staccato Rainbow - Feb 5, 2023
Net Air - Learning To breathe Without A net
Journal - Popularity rank: 100

Butter For Danse Themes/New Florida - Feb 4, 2023
Pillow Talk - one-sided verbal I know she hears me a nightly string of...
Poetry - Popularity rank: 101

Modern Haiku Recipes/Diving Into Pools Reflected - Oct 31, 2022
Margins - A different fusion Contemplates While I trade Margins For moonlight
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 109

Reflections In A Rainbarrel / Portals - Oct 31, 2022
Toad - More often than the Spring toad Comes that shine of smoke ring Now...
Poetry - Popularity rank: 110

Watermelon Stairwell/Counting The Grains /Sand Man - Oct 31, 2022
Threaded - All the days Of life Begin To fade Into threaded Mirrors
Religion & Spirituality - Popularity rank: 111