Member Profile for food4thought


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Member Since:

September 8, 2003
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Warped thoughts - Apr 14, 2020
Taling to myself...again - During this time of staying home, what to do,...
Humor - Popularity rank: 231

Thoughts that sometime...rhyme - Apr 12, 2020
How could this happen? - We have electric cars, Folks headed for Mars,...
Poetry - Popularity rank: 232

My Soap Box - Mar 30, 2020
Bittersweet. - During this trying time, I try to find the humorous or...
Opinion - Popularity rank: 233

Ballet on dirt - Mar 26, 2017
A few words about Formula One - The self-proclaimed “pinnacle of...
Sports & Leisure - Popularity rank: 425

Thoughts you can see - Oct 24, 2015
Scarier than Haloween... - This 4th of July provided us with a spectacular...
Arts & Photography - Popularity rank: 574