Member Profile for jollyjeff


 See my "About Me" page

Member Since:

March 16, 2003
Contact: Send E-mail
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and referral bonuses)
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Name That Tune - Oct 5, 2014
Name that Tune October 5, 2014 - Only yesterday I was cheerful bright and gay
Members' Games - Popularity rank: 663

Jeff's Journal - Oct 5, 2014
Tired and itchy - Thought I slept okay but I'm tired, so I guess not. Had...
Journal - Popularity rank: 664

Jeff's Jots - Sep 13, 2014
Wet clothing - I bought a brand new piece of clothing and it got wet in...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 670

Jeff's Political Stuff - Sep 3, 2014
Bold Prediction - Ever hear of Shenna Bellows? Probably not. She's the...
Opinion - Popularity rank: 671

Jeff On Jocks - Apr 15, 2014
Paid to be Wrong - The Marlins won a few games against bad teams the first...
Sports & Leisure - Popularity rank: 702

Jeff on TV - Feb 18, 2014
Rooting for Jimmy - I had never seen Jimmy Fallon perform before I got him...
Movies & Entertainment - Popularity rank: 721

Jeff's Spiritual Stuff - Oct 11, 2013
The Devil Made Me Do It - Had a conversation with someone on facebook the...
Religion & Spirituality - Popularity rank: 764

Jeff's Rich Journal - Apr 10, 2013
Not paying taxes - One of the coolest things about being rich is that I...
Journal - Popularity rank: 820

(Mostly) Humorous Quotes - May 18, 2012
Fighting and Screwing - Fighting for peace is like screwing for...
Humor - Popularity rank: 954

Single Minded - Dec 30, 2011
Three Kinds of Relationships. - I've been thinking about this and I've...
Single Life - Popularity rank: 1047

Jeff's Jokes - Nov 28, 2011
Golf with a cheater - Tom came home early from his golf game. What are you...
Humor - Popularity rank: 1066

The Teachings of Abraham - Oct 25, 2010
Chicken or Egg. - I used to think no one had all the answers but Abraham...
Religion & Spirituality - Popularity rank: 1323

Jeff's Write Stuff - Oct 9, 2010
Buying a child - Haven't sold this greeting card idea yet but it's one of...
On Writing - Popularity rank: 1340

Name that Writer - Sep 24, 2010
Name that Writer September 24, 2010 - The Republic
On Writing - Popularity rank: 1359

Name that TV Show - Mar 21, 2009
Name that TV March 21, 2009 - Rob Buddy
Movies & Entertainment - Popularity rank: 2284

Jeff's Money Stuff - Sep 8, 2007
The Rich Journal - I have a new toy that's making me rich. I call it the...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 4223

Name that Movie - Apr 21, 2007
Name that Movie April 21, 2007 - Audrey Hepburn George Peppard
Movies & Entertainment - Popularity rank: 4691

Name that Team - Mar 15, 2007
Name that Team March 15, 2007 - George Brett Dan Quisenbury
Sports & Leisure - Popularity rank: 4753

Jeff's Sex Stuff - Jan 7, 2007
(Entries hidden - blog rated MA)
Mature Audiences - Popularity rank: 4877