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MELANCHOLY MADNESS .... - Nov 10, 2009
DARK PROSE ~ CHILD ABUSE - He is usually there. Usually present in the...
By Dark_Dreamer

Sanctuary - Oct 31, 2009
Changes - She has set herself free from the suffocating clamps that were...
By ruby14

Insight To A Crazy Woman's Mind and Life - Oct 26, 2009
Making A Few Changes In My Blogs - Those of you who have been reading my...
By kdstorm73

Bitches brew - Oct 26, 2009
Brew from the pot... - For weeks I have been listening to gripes and...
By bitchbrew9

Corinne Yamasaki's Journal - Oct 24, 2009
My Special Pets - One afternoon she appeared on our outside patio...
By gakaxy

Lectori Salutem (Greetings reader) - Oct 22, 2009
this is it - So... the day has come, count down until interview two hours...
By ThaisK

MiriamSPia - Oct 4, 2009
Crime Fiction novel: An Adventure in Indianapolis * Drug Crime - Unlike...
By MiriamSPia

Beauty tips - Oct 2, 2009
Next Olympic (2016) will be in BRAZIL - Well, we all hope that Chicago...
By minimonkey

Suicide Watch - Oct 1, 2009
The Bore Baths - The water starts from deep underground in the Great...
By Antipodean

Literary Collection - Sep 15, 2009
Kicked Out (Fiction) - It was 10:47 pm on a warm Monday night in May when...
By spectrevampire

Everyday Thoughts - Sep 6, 2009
HEY IM BACK! - Hey everyone, remember me? I know it's been a while since...
By nicte0210

Waffle and Writings! - Sep 5, 2009
Rain on a child's hair - Rain sparks Silvery droplets Threaded through A...
By Norwood

Life Is What You Make of It - Aug 23, 2009
It's the Little Moments - Although I'm not exactly what some would call a...
By lilme1979

By the window sill - Aug 22, 2009
In time. Out of place. - Smiling through nothing more than a snooze after...
By bythewindowsill

Way Outta Nowhere - Aug 14, 2009
True Colors Unwind - I saw him cast a spell. Maybe that is the problem....
By Meridon

Random thoughts - Aug 7, 2009
Weird Thoughts/Weird Things - Just got to thinking these past few days of...
By archiew

Thoughts from a different time - Aug 1, 2009
Snow Days - There are a lot of firsts in one’s life. I’ve tried to figure...
By I_love_writing

Tiger's Lair - Jul 29, 2009
Anticipating Springtime - If you've been reading "Why Do We Write" you...
By tigerprincess

Wounded Warrior's Wife - Jul 23, 2009
History Part 3 - Wounded Warrior's Wife Part 3 We spent the next year...
By SimpleSam

mfg9/Gallagher - Jul 16, 2009
Extemporaneous Endeavor. - Maybe, just maybe, this will benefit one of us....
By mfg9

Blood of My Blood - Jul 1, 2009
Are You A Queen?... - A true queen loves all those around her. She does...
By AJohnson

Honey I'm home! - Jun 30, 2009
Last night's singles activity... - I went to the Bowl and Pitcher...
By Terrie_Schmidt

The Life of a College Student - Jun 29, 2009
Update - Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been updating (For those who do...
By aclarke

Moments - Jun 29, 2009
Epiphany - t's funny how when the light hits you and you finally see what...
By Mirela

Gratitude - Jun 24, 2009
Taking a break from Blogit - I haven't been posting very often although I...
By DivineDiva

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