I Like the Long ForePlay

By LadyCeeMarie - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Relationships

Friday, March 24, 2006

"All Is Fair In Love"

Dear Relationship Readers, After some revisions, I cleaned up what I told Angel was my bout with Mike Flu. This IS what I sent. He may not even read it, but I feel much better, really, and if this posting resounds with pain, then good, I've accomplished what I hoped to as a writer. But please, you be the judge. I AM all right and happy to be home! Dear Michael, I am in Wichita for a visit. My aunt asked if you’d read this. Maybe you should. I love you -- unrequitedly But I know by your silence... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


This is the third time I've tried to post this. The laptop is so touchy. I had one more in me it appears. This one was liberating for me. I will retract my claws sometime soon. I will do some editing later. Warning: This is long so you may want to save a copy off line if hits are your goal. My laptop is touchy on this website. Here goes and more later. I've got an 85 year old's birthday to shop for after this! (I haven't sent this to Mike.) Dear Mike, I am in Wichita for a visit. My aunt thinks... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, March 20, 2006

So why am I in Wichita for a week? Originally it was planned that I would visit over the weekend when my daughter drive to Oklahoma to visit a friend over Spring Break. That fell through when my husband couldn’t pay the business health insurance premium. They only allow a ten-day grace period, which he missed as well, and our insurance was cancelled. My daughter’s $2500 a month medicine cannot be filled, so her symptoms are back full-blown without her injections. My cousin offered to pick me up... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

I've Come to a Decision

I decided I was getting on my own nerves as well. I will once again close the posts of Mike and Carole, indefinitely. I will blog on topics of general interest instead. I may be writing more or reading more; whatever I feel like. I will continue to write my memoirs but you'll just have to read my book some day if you want to know how romantic the whole thing became. You already know the ending “in ad nauseum.” (except for the mystery spy). My comments alone are longer than some blogs I read. I... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Better Now

Today, after going to my Med Center appointments, I was not only relieved with the news I was cancer-free after 13 months, but other things came to light as well. I always get a little funky on oncology days, but my little inner voice had been quiet for a while on that front, thank goodness. My 25-year-old daughter drove me to my appointments, which took the entire morning. We had been sitting in the exam room for an ungodly amount of time. I was reminded of this little girl my daughter had been... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Goodbye My Lover, Goodbye My Friend

This was brought on by Muser. I reread her posting about angst and felt like a teenaged boy all over again! Except that I'm a 53 year old woman with a bad case of lovin' yous for someone that doesn't deserve me! Not even a 20 or 30 something young person. Just a crankety old fool...... who heard a love song that won't leave until it's told about, from James Blunt whose Beautiful reduced me to tears, on Oprah...........okay, I'm taking a BIG breath now........ I wrote the following post at 4:00... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

"I Want You So Bad"

It was the day after his 52nd birthday, March 17, that Mike let me know the state his marital bed was in. I wrote: "I hope you had a great and wonderful birthday night and daresayeth I, that you got lucky????? If not, monsieur, I will leave you with some 52 more kisses, with some tongue action included??? …...oooh la la!!!!!!" To the 52 kisses, he replied: “Oui oui! Oxoxoxoxoxoppppppppppppppxoxoxoxoxoxox” Mike’s response to whether he got lucky on the night of his birthday was a turning point in... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, March 10, 2006

"Let the Foreplay Begin”

Now that we had agreed to reunite in April, in Boston, in order to iron out that wrinkle in our time/space continuum, our e-mails began the long foreplay. In looking over copies of old e-mails, our closings got cuter and more suggestive. This is just a sampling of how we started: C - Have you forgiven me yet? Mike - I’ll forgive you after Mr. Piggy gets to go “wee wee wee all the way home”;-) Weeweeweeweeweewee…weeeeeeeeeeee C - Ah, shucks, I just read your last 2 e-mails. You kept looking for... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, March 9, 2006

"A Selfish Secret"

As March quickly progressed into springtime, we started a mating dance, ancient as the Redwoods to which Mike lived so near and as lightning fast as the cyber-paced world we live in. We went on a Baskin Robbins cyber date by printing out a coupon for a free cone from the BR website and ended up e-mailing each other, inquiring about each other’s experience using such descriptive words as licking, slurping, and nibbling. As early as March 4, we were asking “where do we go from here?” We had... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Back to the story, y'all

I had just e-mailed old and new photos to Mike. I was afraid of being a little "fluffier" than I was in college and that it might be a turn off. But here's what he said: "I'll tell you something... I'm still a red-blooded American "boy". Pretty women still catch my eye, but I find I am much more attracted to women my own age than young women. This my sound corny, but wrinkles etc. speak much more to me about the maturity and inner attractiveness of a person than smooth skin, no fat, etc. To me... Sign in to see full entry.

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