Un-Spoken Confusion-Spoken "My Life"
- May 10, 2016
When I died who did I become Being, the woman I AM TODAY. - Today...
On Writing
- Popularity rank: 499
Un-Spoken Confusion-Spoken "Mrs. Daryon Smedley"
- May 6, 2016
Un-Spoken Confusion Spoken "Mrs. Daryon Smedley" - Daryon eyes tells A...
- Popularity rank: 502
Un-Spoken Confusion-Spoken Just Starting Love
- Apr 26, 2016
Love-Realationship - I Never knew Love was "Real". I assumed, people could...
- Popularity rank: 505
Un-Spoken Confusion-Spoken
- Apr 14, 2016
Life - I can start This converstation, with Jesus, walks with "ME". I Am...
- Popularity rank: 513