Member Profile for Jemmie211


 See my "About Me" page

Member Since:

January 24, 2003
Contact: Send E-mail
Earnings to date:
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and referral bonuses)
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Gratitude - Sep 13, 2023
Gratitude for Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - Got my Exec Payroll finished...
Lists & Information - Popularity rank: 75

Opinionated Bitch - Sep 12, 2023
Tips - As some of you may recall, I work in Payroll. I recently accepted a...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 76

Writing Prompts - Oct 20, 2020
Prompt for Sunday, October 19, 2020 - Find the closest ordinary item next...
On Writing - Popularity rank: 187

Squeaky & Abi: My Life With Two Crazy Cats - Oct 20, 2020
My Babies Are Gone - Squeaky passed about a year ago. Abi passed a few...
Pets - Popularity rank: 188

Daddy - Oct 20, 2020
Last Night - You were on my mind last night, Daddy. I don't know why, but...
Family & Parenting - Popularity rank: 189

JD -- My Love, My Life - Jan 4, 2020
Out of the Mouths of Babes - JD: I love sand! JD thinks for a few...
Family & Parenting - Popularity rank: 247

Mom - Apr 23, 2016
In The Early Morning Of April 7, 2016 - Those of you who read my...
Family & Parenting - Popularity rank: 509

Jemmie's Hawai`i - Dec 1, 2015
Another Drive To The West Side--Another Day In Paradise
Travel - Popularity rank: 557

People I Love And/Or Admire - Mar 29, 2015
Wrote This Piece A While Ago After Finding a Long-Lost Friend on Facebook - ...
Family & Parenting - Popularity rank: 619

Listing Myself - Jan 20, 2014
Shopping List for the Day (I've Porbably Forgotten Some Things) - Rice...
Lists & Information - Popularity rank: 731

Jemmie's Favorite Quotes - Jan 19, 2014
I Had A Friend Do This For Me Once. Miss Her Terribly! - The only service...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 732

OB's Musings - Nov 13, 2013
Something On My Mind As Hawaii Passes SB1 for Marriage Equality - Today, I...
Humor - Popularity rank: 756

Aunty Tita - Jun 5, 2012
Aunty's First Question Answered (Not Necessarily the First Question Asked) - ...
Humor - Popularity rank: 938

Bringing it All Back -- Manifestation
(No entries)
Religion & Spirituality