Guy's blog about life with pets in northern mich. for Monday, March 26, 2007

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Monday, March 26, 2007

Elvis vs. The Beatles

Yesterday I heard a brief clip of Elvis’ “Less talk, a lot more action”, a very forgettable rejected song, released long after his death. No wonder it was rejected, it’s awful! There are likely hundreds of similarly bad songs of his, someone intends to release someday, hoping to make a fortune. If that was the best of them, they should forget about it. Compare the Beatles’ “Free as a bird” released after half of them died. I can’t hear it often enough, it’s brilliant. Never before or again will... Sign in to see full entry.

Is this all worth my effort?

Being new at this whole “Blog” thing I’m trying to figure out all its intricacies. After something like five days, I’ve had three people interested enough or bored enough to read what I write. Maybe it was one person who clicked on my site three times, who knows? This is an experiment that may not turn out to have been what I hoped it would be. Is this the cyber equivalent of what is known as a Vanity Press (print term), where untalented aspiring writers submit manuscripts to presumed experts in... Sign in to see full entry.

They aren't really our babies.

There has been many times that my animal companions’ expressions are so compelling and urgent and enigmatic that I foolishly wish they could talk. What a mistake having that wish come true would be! Patience, sharing, altruism, generosity, empathy, sympathy, foresight, planning, justice, conceptualization, on and on, are all foreign and useless concepts to cats and dogs. As tempting as it is to anthropomorphize them, they are not our children, and it is well that they are not. Their I.Q.(or,... Sign in to see full entry.

Bonkers actually........IS!

I’ve been losing sleep, worrying about my ancient cat, and wondering if she’s just given up, or going “Marion” on me. I haven’t told you about “The great rodent/turkey shoot,” that trapped a whole mouse-Al Whachacallit Terrorist cell, out of our house. It made for a couple batches of excellent soup, but the risk of disease, CIA two-way radio equipped mouse infiltrators, NSA, two-way radio equipped mouse infiltrators, Secret Service two-way radio equipped mouse infiltrators, Foreign Intelligence... Sign in to see full entry.

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