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Monday, July 5, 2010

Hop Farm Festival 2010

What can I say?... it was wonderful... no trouble anywhere, apart from an affably drunk Irishman trying to force his way to the front in an already tightly-packed arena... in the nicest possible way... smile. I did point out that there was no way he could get through in front of where we were, and... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Real or not real?

A techical enquiry for today... I have been approached, twice now, by a book marketing company and am naturally sceptical. Of course I have done my preliminary research, and have found ambivalent views. Some internet postings in writing communities declare the company a fraud; some put the opposite... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Soporific football...

I think I've just found a good remedy for insomnia... a goal-less draw on a Friday night when I'm all by myself for a change... it's funny how quickly you get used to having that special someone around. However, my daughter hasn't met him yet and she is just here on flying visit... not the best time... Sign in to see full entry.

Patience is a virtue

As if I needed reminding... I have been endlessly patient in my life. Not that I am a saint, far from it; we've all experienced the day to day irritations of the demands of work and family. All that is behind me now -- or, it's supposed to be..! The drama continues, albeit in a lower key. Choir... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Retirement? What retirement?

Is it a necessary phenomenon of ageing, to find that days and weeks vanish into the ether without our noticing the passage of time? Has it really been eight days since I last posted? Yes, according to the calendar... No, according to my brain, which swears I was on here just a couple of days ago...... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Has it really been almost three months? Have I really spent so little time online? Yes to both... It seems a lifetime away from the days when, living and studying alone, and twelve thousand miles from what has always been my home, my online life was what kept me together. It was a time of great... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, February 15, 2010

I think I'm going to enjoy this.

What does an ageing 'courting couple' do for Valentine's Day? We pondered the question a week or two back. Neither of us thinks much of all the commercial ballyhoo -- and there is a lot of it, by the look of some of the lurid underwear on display in shop windows (ever wonder why is it always women's... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Talking to someone who won't even know

It would be nice to understand why, after all this time and when I am happy --mostly -- with someone new, you keep stealing into my thoughts (in church) and making me cry. The hurt never goes away, no matter how much I tell myself I am better without someone like you. No one who loves a woman the... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Safe Harbour

Safety is, perhaps, not just a question of actually being safe, but also one of feeling it to be so. The new person in my life remembers me from years ago, the young woman he refers to as my self... my old self, the undamaged one without a care in the world. Carefree is pretty much the way I... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tidal wave?...

There was I, contentedly thinking I had done all that was required to get my personal effects sent home from the port of entry (in Felixstowe, miles from my home but that's a minor detail). I emailed the import depot some scanned copies of the paperwork they had somehow mislaid, only to be told that... Sign in to see full entry.

Headlines (What is this?)