Member Profile for kingmi


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September 25, 2004
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RSM Was Right. Shooter Shouted Arabic Before Shooting: Terrorism on US!
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 1827

3,000 Famous Last Words! - Oct 31, 2009
Quote of the Day... - "...I'm not sure we'd be here without A-Rod. He'll...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 1834

Do-it-yourself psychotherapy - Oct 26, 2009
I was just marveling at the passing of time, especially since I retired....
Self-Help - Popularity rank: 1839

Americans Under the Influence of Color - Oct 25, 2009
The heartbreak a parent feels and the teacher witnesses every year,...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 1842

Across the Pond - Oct 18, 2009
Screenplay Kernel: FBI Special Agent Sally Campos, Ret. - Tall, tanned,...
Travel - Popularity rank: 1851

Your Home Town Learning Center - Jul 28, 2009
Education - Popularity rank: 1963

Hot and Cold from Me and You - Jul 25, 2009
An Old Swayback Thorobred - In high school we used to ride horses just...
Family & Parenting - Popularity rank: 1972

Corazon Chido - Jul 2, 2009
My Platform for School Board - 10 Cosas Que Nosotros Podemos Hacer Para...
Spanish-Language - Popularity rank: 2004

Today's - Apr 5, 2009
7-Day Free Trial to the Grant Search Center membership site, which can...
Lists & Information - Popularity rank: 2250

WORD OF THE DAY - Mar 2, 2009
Word of the Day for Sunday, March 1, 2009 lampoon \lam-POON\, noun,...
Journal - Popularity rank: 2326

5,000 Most Respected Editorials - Feb 28, 2009
Everyone will buzz about Obama’s breathtaking new budget this weekend,...
World - Popularity rank: 2331

You Model Serenity If... - Feb 6, 2009
Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Kingmi! - Direct from a long run down...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 2386

Eight Your Home Town - Feb 5, 2009
Spanish Word of the Day - Alegre (ah-leg’-re) happy, cheerfuly;...
Journal - Popularity rank: 2392

kingmi's library of non-essential information - Feb 1, 2009
When Leaders Learn - It Scarcely seems fitting to ignore the new...
Lists & Information - Popularity rank: 2404

Should Bush Be Impeached? - Dec 14, 2008
Shoe Throwing in Bagdad - George did not forget to duck -- twice! But it...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 2543

Blackberry Girls - Nov 10, 2008
A Mut Like Me - Bellefonte: not the League of Nations? What then Ivy...
Humor - Popularity rank: 2638

3 Your Home Town - Nov 10, 2008
Quote of the Day - “Democrats and Republicans should do everything they...
Fiction - Popularity rank: 2641

6Your Home Town - Mar 8, 2008
Hillary Tastefully Decorated Her Home in Chappaqua, New York, for Bill. - ...
Arts & Photography - Popularity rank: 3493

Promote Karl Rove - Oct 31, 2007
The Glee Has Returned to Presidential Politics - Not since the first...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 4027

Four Your Home Town - Jul 6, 2007
A+ for his musical and personal development: Ray Charles I'm putting...
Poetry - Popularity rank: 4474

7 Your Home Town - Jul 4, 2007
Hemingway's Code: "Grace Under Pressure" Hemingway signed up to drive...
Religion & Spirituality - Popularity rank: 4480

Finding Johnny - Nov 23, 2006
Relationships - Popularity rank: 4929

Two Your Home Town - Nov 20, 2006
BUSH PROTESTERS IN JAKARTA - I remember 1986, Reagan was the world's...
Opinion - Popularity rank: 4936

Five Your Home Town - Nov 9, 2006
Blogger goes to court to save his...
On Writing - Popularity rank: 4952

Adventures in Upskirting - Jul 5, 2006
I was watching the TV news yesterday when I learned that this new...
Relationships - Popularity rank: 5110