Thursday, November 23, 2006
Co-dependent Relationships............................................... The one thing I can attest to, being the product of an alcoholic family, is that they disagree. I, too, was an alcoholic, and at times the denial was so intense that I had to state that the reason I referred to us as an... Sign in to see full entry.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Dear John, We attended the movie you were waiting for, Casino Royale. Strange that you were the one who actually read the Ian Fleming books for content, and understood them. Me, I learned step one of speed reading whilst looking for the steamy scenes. We took Veronica, the girl who keeps coupons in... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
John's Final Secret Revealed.....
A few years back, before the bungee jumping craze went nationwide, I had a call from John. He wanted to know what was up. I said, did you see in the paper about the newlyweds who went to honeymoon in Florida, bungee jumped, and their legs were ripped off? He said "Really?" I was only kidding, of... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Johnny's Final Secret...
On his last day in existence, two Fridays ago now, John and I had one of our long telephone conversations. Fridays were our day to plan for the weekend. Either Friday or Saturday nights we went to the new mall. Sometimes we would go see a movie, if there was something special that one or the other... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, November 10, 2006
I had left my first teaching job to attend the University of Kentucky Graduate School English Department. I was on my way out of there but didn't know it. My dominant theme in my twenties was, I was looking for a good job when I found this one. I suppose I was suffering from my own mixture of... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, November 9, 2006
This BLOGGER Needs your Prayers It's True, Save a few for Lefty Too Since my trip to Texas, where I reunited with a high school classmate, I have had the pleasure of coresponding with two other old old friends. Very nice vibes to be able to recount the better part of your life. I haven't seen any of... Sign in to see full entry.
Gonzaga University, Home of Uncle Johnny's Birthplace.....................
Johnny put up a pretty good act about my sense of humor. At one time he stated that it was "an ordeal". But last spring during March Madness, he latched onto a few off the cuff remarks of mine and carried them with him back to work. We were watching Gonzaga get beat. For some reason, after Kentucky... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
THIS BLOGGER IS DEPRESSED AND DENYING IT - DESOLATION ROW They're selling postcards of the hanging, they're painting the passports brown The beauty parlor is filled with sailors, the circus is in town Here comes the blind commissioner they've got him in a trance One hand is tied to the tightrope... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Road Trip.................................................................
"Dad, play the Dixie Chicks CD," came the order from the back seat. In my role as father confessor, I take it very seriously, and try always to provide as much as possible of what is requested. Often I am conflicted and compromised, as what the one daughter wants, the other cannot wait around for.... Sign in to see full entry.