Monday, October 26, 2009
I was just marveling at the passing of time, especially since I retired. What about those actors like Burt Lancaster, Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones? They see themselves as youthful characters portraying someone else. Looking back do they have anything other than the cred that acting is a noble... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Bloggers cannot see the forest for the trees......................... Professor stood behind the long desk in the new classroom building. Seating like an amphitheater, he knew everyone could see and hear perfectly. We could. On his desk two fifty gallon aquariums. EMPTY! "If I fill these glass boxes... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Blogit: The Fountain of Youth! -- Kingmi Travelogue
Ah, to find a computer workstation! Priceless... I'm here at the Holiday Inn in St. Louis, if you missed my blogs from the road. I am returning to Des Moines from my first retirement trip. My travelogue: A. I left Friday two weeks ago, June 12. B. I took the girls and headed South to Key West,... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
My Choice After Ten Days in Key West...Running For School Board
I honestly do not mind the kind of stress that the schools put on teachers. It is important to know that the adults leading groups of little kids, are stable and healthy. People are funny, and the density of the human psyche is sometimes not that easy to penetrate sitting for an hour in the Human... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, May 22, 2009
A Little Poetry in the Afternoon...
A bonny flawless sight, she shone a splendid light I was swept away; stayed the night, intermittent light, but I was kept away; I righted myself, Tried it myself, We were led astray; And try tho’ I might, She opened a fight, and I just stepped away. Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, May 1, 2009
"Strawberry Fields -- for Life"
All the years we listened to "Strawberry Fields" and superficially pointed out that it elicited utopia, that at the end Lennon was heard to say in the background "I buried Paul.." Recently I went off the reservation with an examination of the meta-cognitive nature of the lyrics, related to... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Songs with Too Much Emo
I have three stable groups of songs that I weave into fairly agreeable sets. Set One: Kenny Rogers / John Denver. The Gambler, Country Roads, Lucille, Lady My Sweet Lady, Music Man, Rocky Mt. High, Ruby, Jet Plane, She Believes in Me, Sunshine on my Shoulders. Set Two: The seven o'clock hour I fill... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Ever had Original Cavatelli? Mmmm
My weekends find me gigging a local restaurant. Fine Italian cuisine, bar and video poker. I sing in the dining room after supper till ten o'clock. My percussionist buddy James played along on Valentine's Night. Dave sat in this past Saturday night and demonstrated a vast improvement. Still waiting... Sign in to see full entry.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Blogger Admits to Having Sex with Obama
The other day, before heading out to a local restaurant with friends, I wrote about being a single dad on Valentine's. I was remembering the day my sister plied me with a list of all the abnormal psychology involved in choosing a mate. I couldn't remember much of our dialogue, although she had given... Sign in to see full entry.