Member Profile for JustJilly


 See my "About Me" page

Member Since:

October 12, 2003
Contact: Send E-mail
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and referral bonuses)
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It's a Beat Life, Bubba - Apr 10, 2008
Right quick-- just need to say... - I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF. I thank GOD...
Journal - Popularity rank: 3367

BubbaGirl Ticks them off - Feb 28, 2008
SO MUCH TO DO! - 1. laundry 2. see andrew and ashley's baby 3. pack and...
Lists & Information - Popularity rank: 3531

CURIOUS KITTY - Feb 24, 2008
I'm getting my first place soon, any advice? - I'm in the process of...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 3544

~That's Right~ - Feb 19, 2008
MISSION STATEMENT: - February 19, 2008 I, Jillian Nicole Pierone vow to...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 3562

NAME ONE THING! - Dec 18, 2007
Name one thing you LOVE about winter. - Now, it is pretty well understood...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 3812

SURVEY OF THE DAY - Dec 2, 2007
OFFY ANSWERS!!! - ~*~*~ What is your favorite book done by whoever isn't...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 3883

BubbaGirl On Blogging - Nov 28, 2007
It occurs to me that a lot of my comments lately have come off as rude... - ...
On Blogging - Popularity rank: 3896

Sleepless Writings - Nov 5, 2007
ESCAPING IN THEORY - Bring on the numbness Bring on the fun Work much too...
Poetry - Popularity rank: 3998

Completely Incomplete - Nov 5, 2007
THIS STRUGGLE - So much negativity Causing so much negativity Weighing on...
Poetry - Popularity rank: 3999

From the Notebooks of BubbaGirl - Nov 5, 2007
From my notebook: “Random Randumbs” 11-15-06 - B-day soon. Weekend with...
Journal - Popularity rank: 4000

MY TURN ONS AND TURN OFFS ~*~*~*~*~*~ - Oct 7, 2007
There's nothing like.......................................................
Relationships - Popularity rank: 4116

The advice of the hour - Oct 7, 2007
When the state sends you mail..............................................
Humor - Popularity rank: 4117

~You give me the line ~*~ I'll give you the rhyme~ - Mar 11, 2007
Does anyone have a challenge for me? - as the title says, You give me the...
Poetry - Popularity rank: 4769

~*~OODLES~*~OF~*~WEIRD~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ - Feb 27, 2007
dug out from the worn pages of my bedside notebook... - If I start feeling...
Fiction - Popularity rank: 4788

The best thing about using your ex-es as F*ck Buddies is that if you have - ...
Relationships - Popularity rank: 5612

My Personal Art Gallery - Sep 28, 2004
Arts & Photography - Popularity rank: 5613

My New TAROT BLOG--Want a reading? - Aug 8, 2004
Working again today and tomorrow I have to clean for Dad's bday party.... - ...
Religion & Spirituality - Popularity rank: 5643

THE BLOG-NESS MONSTER!!! - Jul 29, 2004
I have a doctor's appointment in about 4 hours... - Let's see... I woke...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 5651

BLOGGEMS - Jul 23, 2004
A poem for harveyg736 and his poetry blog - Poets Are Sooo Capricious or...
Poetry - Popularity rank: 5662

POEMS for my BLOGIT Buds - Jul 8, 2004
A POEM FOR Talion - A POEM FOR Talion Talion With his stories so deep...
Poetry - Popularity rank: 5675

PoeticDewdrop FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Jul 4, 2004
Right And Wrong - A Way of Living, Not a Means to Control - One of...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5681

The endless boundaries of the human mind - Jul 4, 2004
Health & Fitness - Popularity rank: 5682

SMILE!!! It confuses people..... - Jun 8, 2004
Don't Drink To Drown Your Sorrow.... - ~*~*~*~*~*~ Sorrow Knows How to...
Journal - Popularity rank: 5701

THE BLOGGERS DECIDE ~*~*~ join in the fun! - Apr 6, 2004
ranalou may just win... but then SO CAN YOU!!!! - Okay.. for those of you...
Fiction - Popularity rank: 5751

The Pagan Speaks - Apr 6, 2004
Love- - When you really look at it, behaving in a loving manner toward ALL...
Religion & Spirituality - Popularity rank: 5752

The Doofy Adventures of Dew-- chemical overload - Jan 5, 2004
OK HERE IS ONE FRESH OFF THE POT.... hahaha! - Hello fellow bloggers. In...
Journal - Popularity rank: 5832