Loosely Speaking

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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Walter Cronkite, I miss you...

What Corporate Media does instead of journalism: Takes a story that grabs attention at the outset and milks it until no one except crazy people ever want to see it or anything about it for years to come, maybe ever. Disasters, like tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, mudslides that kill a lot of people, floods and wildfires that destroy property, and other natural disasters; human-caused disasters like explosions and terrorist attacks in places we've heard of, and Donald Tr ump's run for the... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Why do people vote against their own best interests?

After observing from afar the UK referendum to sever itself from the European Union, more intently than ever I am wondering why people vote against their own interests. Is it that they don't understand what their interests actually are? Or that they don't see their interests in relation to the Big Picture, only their immediate personal interests? If people don't actually see any real benefit to themselves, they will vote on their feelings, their impulse of the moment, their hopes and dreams... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

So many people are saying Bernie is done...

But it has never been about Bernie. It is and has always been about his message: Wake up! Smell the politicians! Remember your power, and use it! He has achieved great things simply by not standing down, not shutting up, not buying into the PC stance that what really matters most is having the first woman President of the United States. Which it looks like our choice is going to be, vs Trump. Trump, the liar, the bloviator, the ill-informed, the unprepared, the lacking of all understanding and... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Fascism rearing it's ugly snout...

Robert Reich has pointed out that there has been a surge of neo-fascism rising in the world, and that Trump is the US's version. He asks for thoughts on the topic. Here are mine: I think people are exhausted from being poor in a world that promises well-being, they are angry at broken trust, they are angry as hell at being treated as mules working for the wealthy few whose money has translated to power to make the world over in ways to benefit themselves. The people who are bellowing approval of... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


Civilization is the art of diverse peoples living together and thriving. It is the art of community. We have some civilized ideals, but we live and act mostly with a tribal mindset, which is based in Supremacy of Us over Them. Community is no longer a priority for most people in American society. Survival is a priority, getting even is a priority... We have become a nation of way too many spoiled adult/children who can't share, won't regard the feelings of others, and when displeased by not... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, May 6, 2016

too many!

Human beings are making ourselves an endangered species as we overpopulate our environment, consume everything in sight, like a deer herd over-grazing a land of every green thing*. We kill off every competitor, which is any other living thing that might eat something we could eat, or occupy space we could claim with buildings and pavements, to make room for still more of us. We extend life expectations with science and medical advances. We have gone forth and multiplied and multiplied and... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

A Progressive Luddite

Here in the US, there is a great battle joined that seems to go on forever: Conservatives vs Progressives/Liberals. And in Great Britain, too, as the country contends over whether to remain in the European Union, or not. I've been hearing a lot about this from my son-in-law and one of his relatives of the opposite view, as they post back and forth on Facebook. Here and there, it always seems to be a matter of those who have had enough of trying to keep up with changes in the world that seem to... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Telling truth from lies

Bear in mind that political campaigns have never been clean or honest, all the tricks justified by "We can't make the changes, do the work, defend the right, etc, if we don't get into office." So candidates hand themselves over to professional campaigners who make every effort they can get away with to get their guy/gal elected. The Candidate is an artificial construct and, at the worst, an outright lie. We don't get to see the real person, the real character of that person when the 'handlers'... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

No one wins

So, the registered Democrats who weren't somehow accidentally wiped off the rolls, get to choose who the Democratic candidate should be. And the registered Republicans get to express their opinion on who the Republican candidate should be. So, it's a Party thing... So, a huge number of people don't have a voice in the system because they are neither Democrats nor Republicans. Where do they get to express their will? Are people who are not registered Democrat or Republican not really part of the... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Food Ways

Facebook led me to this page: http://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2016/04/04/470071043/going-green-is-really-going-native-western-apache-chef-nephi-craig?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20160404 about the Apache/Navajo chef, Nephi Craig, who is bringing some up-dating and reality-checking to how the world percieves the food ways of the Apache, past and present. Makes me wonder what else one might do with the handful of colorful juniper... Sign in to see full entry.

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