Loosely Speaking

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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Made in America

When I was a kid in the 1960s, it was the early years of the race to space, and there was such a push on for American students to excel, especially in the sciences! Education was considered vital to American interests, to the supremacy of America socially and politically, back when we really were leaders in the world and had the desire to live up to that label, rather than just take it as given because our parents wore it well from World War 2 onwards. It wasn't as if we ha d no fools, no... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

I dreamed a dream... that I made my way through a dark and dismal surrounding and found a place lit by dark fires and filled with discordant sounds and rhythms and the metallic buzz and whine of flies... In the center, savages in suits hung about with emblems of power and mystery, of devices of magics dependent on death and suffering, pranced madly around a great porcine head on a tall stake. The current Congress and President and his advisors can invent programs and make laws with all the power... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, December 15, 2016


Aleppo has become a word of horror, it will be a curse against the perpetrators and their kind for generations to come, right alongside the names of Hitler and Auschwitz, My Lai, the Field of Jars, Tienamen Square, Standing Rock... where the authorities went far beyond the bounds of humanity and decency to uphold a power that was reprehensible and unjustified. The Western World has been accused of not caring, of not paying attention, of ignoring, of doing little to mitigate the suffering of... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, November 19, 2016


I went to a show last night: ONE SIXTEENTH OF AN INCH. It is an opening of hearts and voices, the shining of light on the darkness of depression and suicide, about how very narrow can be the margin between living and ending a life. The audience was large and interested, and I suspect no one there has had no experience with suicide, either personally or knowing someone who chose to 'leave sideways' as an old friend of mine once referred to it. There was a Talk Back session following the... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, November 11, 2016


Social media hatred, real-world taunts and assaults, mayhem on all sides from the gloating and the despairing... The level of mean-spiritedness and reactionary acting-out is appalling, now it has permission and encouragement, and the fury of disappointed, terrified response to this insane election season--everyone's fault, not just one Party or the other, not just politicians--the mayhem is on! There will be no stuffing this genie back into its bottle any time soon. It is fairly quiet in this... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

So, here's a thing... "Faithless Electors"

In most states, it's legal, the rest may exact a fine for doing it, but the fact is, the Electors in the Electoral College can vote as they see fit, regardless of the outcome of the election. It is allowed for in the Constitution, from the beginning, against such a time as this, such an election as this. As it happens, Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 200,000 votes at last count. In my opinion, there are plenty of other reasons to deny the power of the Presidency to one of the least fit... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Last thoughts before the Vote Is In

My son-in-law, the English one, has wondered why so many people seem to so dislike, even hate one of the best-qualified Presidential candidates in history. He is, himself, pretty astute and informed as he works in a global job and has a wider outlook on politics than most. This is what I told him: Hillary Clinton has been playing the game of politics for 30+ years, which is a separate thing from her fighting for women's and children's rights and for social justice. Her enemies have resented her... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Cultural Appropriation

It's a thing these days: people protesting the casual adoption of things of deep significance to certain other cultures, for fashions, for hair styles. But it is right in there with calling a sports team The Red Skins, Indians, Braves, etc. which are just about all based on non-Indian popular misperceptions and prejudices, where the fashion thing is more about simply trivializing. But when you think about it, it's also the transmission of local tradition and culture into a wider setting, much... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Civility vs Barbarism

Civility is the art of diverse peoples living close together, thriving through tolerance and appreciation of difference, comprehension and respect of personal boundaries, basic courtesies that are held in common. Patience, the ability to listen, the ability to expand one's limits and point of view are all qualities of civilization. Barbarity and tribal mindset are the antithesis of civilization. Carrying weaponry is an act of intimidation, of distrust and fear. "My way is the only Right Way" is... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

As long as it's "First Past the Post" elections...

The math means there will always be only two top parties. The way for a third party to have a viable chance is by that party becoming so strong that it unseats the weaker of the two currently at the top. We didn't quite achieve that this time, but the Sanders phenomenon has demonstrated that we could have the numbers, if only the numbers keep our dander up, and strengthen a new Independents Party--by whatever name--hold our own primaries/caucuses, get our own candidate on the debate stage and... Sign in to see full entry.

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