Loosely Speaking

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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Dreaming again

I woke this morning from a social/political dream about donating blood. Years ago when I was a college student in Cleveland, I answered a call for blood donation. The call was on behalf of a particular man who was having heart surgery. They valued my pint of blood at $30, I think. I told them to donate it to the patient. Oh, they were so nice and kind to me then! A second time, I went in on my own and because I had rent to pay and needed that money, I accepted the payment. Oh, how judgemental... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Projection and Celebrity

Celebrity is a bright candle, an incandescent lamp, a cloud-raking search-light! It draws our attention in a most superficial way to someone who somehow, somewhy, stepped into the light and stayed long enough for us to notice. We notice the presence and some outstanding characteristics, just enough to take an interest. And then we project... Projection is that dynamic of imagining details onto the target of our attention, imagining and applying as if they are true, what we want that person to... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Hitler is his model...

I've just heard that Mr Drumpf has made good use of Hitler's writings, keeping one of Hitler's books on his desk: MY NEW ORDER. "A collection of Hitler's speeches set in a running commentary... Millions of words have had to be eliminated, so as to retain only such speeches, or parts of speeches, as make a readable and instructive book." (reviewer of the book, on Amazon site) Apparently, Drumpf finds it instructive. Even his buzz phrase: Make American Great Again is styled after Hitler's Make... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Who's President doesn't really matter in the long run...?

But this one does matter for us and the next several generations. It won't matter 5000 years from now, but to say it doesn't matter now is like saying the Germans choosing to let Hitler lead them didn't matter. The craziness of the election season, the ability of Republicans to draw a mad crowd, and the inability of Democrats to get past their individualistic political ego and get up a proper mob, leaves a gaping hole for the likes of Drumpf or any of the abysmally unqualified Republican... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Endgame of Self-Indulgence and Entitlement Mindset

America once stood as a beacon to the world, the fearless demonstration of how free thinking and free speaking advanced understanding, realized the greatest potentials of our humanity, all to the benefit of the entire world. That was the ideal, the worthy goal of all our energy and endeavor, all the resources we had to draw on... Out of this came the assertion that "The United States of America is the Greatest Nation on Earth!" The post World War ll generations inherited this national belief and... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Dreaming of the Profits

The American Dream has always been, in some large part, about the right to make a profit. Now that impulse has gone so extreme that it is destroying more dreams than it is supporting. But changing the holy Right of the Profit goes against so many deeply rooted traditions: beliefs and assumptions about who we are, what we should be able to do, and why we should be able to do it... Though we are not talking about killing it, just constraining it where it has become excessive. I suggest that the... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The American Revolution 2016

Revolution... Bernie Sanders drives the cause of social justice and balance that will utterly change how the United States operates as a government and as a force in the world. It isn't just a platform, it's a revolution against how things have been happening in this country for quite a few years now. The Constitution put the People in charge, gave us the power of the vote, but we the People have been cozened, we've been lied to, we've been disenfranchised--mostly because we decided we were not... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The only real choices there are this time around

I believe that Hillary Clinton desperately wants to win because she wants to be the First Female President of the United States, more than anything else. I think she whole-heartedly believes she deserves to be that, and will fudge this and that if she feels she has to, to win. I believe she will do an adequate job of it, if she wins. She will do less damage than any of the Republicans. If she wins the nomination, she will have my vote. I believe that Bernie Sanders tenaciously wants to see... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

What we eat

Over on Fbook, I came across an acrimonious exchange between a Vegan and a Non-Vegan, that started with a very interesting summary of what the chicken mind is really like, based on observation of chickens as chickens instead of as just food. Just 300 years ago, it was 'scientifically' (which in those days meant 'philosophically') stated that animals are essentially meat machines with no higher cognitive abilities or sensibilities: no feelings, no emotions, no intellect or intelligence... And... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Here is the review I posted on Facebook this morning: Yesterevening at the Dusty Loo Bon Vivant Theater where Theaterworks presents their best stuff, they did again, and it was even just a final dress rehearsal... the show opens tonight. SATCHMO AT THE WALDORF is a one-man show with John Douglas Thompson as Louis Armstrong, Armstrong's life-long manager, and Myles Davis. That's Louis with the 's', thank you very much, he was most insistently NOT French nor Creole... The show, written by Terry... Sign in to see full entry.

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