Loosely Speaking

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Sunday, July 31, 2016


So, Trump complained about at UCCS about the Fire Marshal not allowing all 10,000 ticket-holders into the 1500 capacity auditorium. Trump's people sold the tickets and gave UCCS all of 2 days' notice that they were coming. He called UCCS and the Fire Marshal "incompetent." Hmm... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

A couple of my comments from the political chatter

The biggest bullies attract swarms of followers who haven't got the sense or insight to ask questions like, Why? or Really? They follow for the opportunity for mayhem, and they think the bully will protect them from their enemies. They think their loyalty will be repaid with the bully's loyalty and caring. They don't get it until it's way too late that the bully gives not a single damn for them and thinks of them as cannon fodder. I await a new Party with some version of Independent Progressive... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Why Putin is interfering with our politics

I don't think Putin likes or respects or admires Trump. What Putin sees in Trump is where his nation (he, really) gets to mock and sneer and cheer at the downfall of the American experiment in democracy, just as we did when the USSR fell. Payback, karma, whatever you call it, I believe that's the motive behind the evident tampering in American politics by Russia's current Grand Prince. Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, July 22, 2016

The Magic of Conflict and the Beauty of Compromise.

Some years ago, Thomas Crum, an aikido expert, reframed the very idea of 'conflict' from a negative to a positive, pointing out the beauty inherent in the conflict of ocean and land, for instance, on a rugged, sea-pounded coastline. His work suggests that acknowledgement of conflict is the key to resolving conflict: acknowledge it, accept its existence, work with the reality that is, rather than frantically trying to replace it, unconsidered, with what you want to be the reality. What you want... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Election Fraud and Voter Suppression

The biggest threat to the election of relatively sane, progressive (as opposed to obstructive) government in November is voter suppression. We have seen how it works, how well it works, throughout the primaries/caucuses, when the Parties abandon the American people in favor of their own Party interests and intentions. The DNC worked it to make sure Hillary couldn't lose the nomination. The Republicans will work it just as hard as they can, to elect Trump and a continuing Rep ublican Congress.... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

"Report originated at a fake news site..."

Snopes and other fact-checkers use this phrase a lot. Charles Redding brought up the question, how much do these fake news sites actually influence beliefs and generate real reactions to unrealities? I'm not referring to the ones like THE DAILY SHOW which actually tends to deliver news while reveling in the ironies and absurdities of humanity, and makes it pretty clear which jokes are theirs. I am referring to the sundry Onion copy -cat sites, the ones that are clever enough to fake a good... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Inspired by Pat's post today about the crazy old broads...

For us old broads and geezers: We remember a time when the Gun War was not the norm, when evenings were lit by sunsets to dazzle eyes and hearts, not by the tiny flickers of vigil/protest candles clustering in the streets, when tears blur the lights and hearts are broken. We are still shocked by violence, never taking it for granted. We remember times of quiet, of contemplation, of attention free of cell phones, of constant connection, interruption, demand... We remember when conversations were... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 4, 2016


After a long, exhausting day, Charlie had the energy last night and the inspiration to write this, and I am inspired to share it here with you: To protect the greatness we take for granted, and forgetting how we achieved it, we undermine and dismantle the very things that made us great. We come to think that our greatness is innate, disregarding the struggles, deeds, and sacrifices of the builders, warriors, and geniuses who came before... and they would weep to see us now. We all came from... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

From the Editor to the Serious Writer

So much of our communication in these times is written rather than spoken aloud. Timing and intonation happen vocally pretty much automatically. Not so much, in the written conversation. But they could. Mis-use or non-use of punctuation is, for anyone who knows the tools of written communication, like getting pinched, over and over again with each instance. Hence, this: Punctuation. Written words are your thoughts, punctuation is your tonality, it expresses your feeling about what you are... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Finally recognized...

Some of us here have a particular interest in this information, and that it is slated to be included in the 2017 edition of the Psychiatric Diagnostic Manual. http://traumadissociation.com/complexptsd Maybe it applies to you. Maybe, to someone you love or work with, because it cripples relationships particularly, as the person with the condition is seriously damaged in their deepest beliefs and feelings about their own worth and lovability, and in their ability to trust others, especially... Sign in to see full entry.

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