The Ciel Show

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Saturday, July 29, 2017

What do people care about?

On Facebook today, someone posted a thing asking us to make a simple statement without explanation or detail of something we believe that is generally an unpopular opinion, then to respond to others' statements with nothing but Agree or Disagree. Many people, it turns out, have opinions regarding pineapple on pizza (so far, 11 'agrees' to 8 'disagrees'), and fewer care whether Dobby the House Elf was the most annoying character in the Harry Potter movies(three agrees). To my statement that... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Another opening, another show... or maybe not.

It wasn't the opening, actually, but a final dress rehearsal with an invited audience: MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING set in the Old West instead of Italy's Renaissance. Nothing like live theater! Nothing like live theater in a tent! Nothing like live theater in a tent during the season of almost daily and nightly thunderstorms! When the rain began to pelt the canvas so hard the actors could not be heard, a pause was called. After about 20 minutes, the show was called for the night and umbrella escorts... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

It seemed like such a pretty little thing...

I have been watching this one plant grow in one of my pots on the porch, admiring it's pretty yellow flower... until now. Looking closely, it has spines along the stem and produces a mean-looking burr. Turns out it is a thing called buffalo burr, among other names and is an opportunistic and highly prolific member of the nightshade family. In several states it is listed as a noxious, invasive weed. It is, however, no match for a gardener with tough gloves and access to a food-disposal. Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, July 22, 2017


The weather forecast this week suggests that we will not, through the whole week, achieve 90 F, and that is fine with me! Today is starting out a bit grey to the north and west, but there's blue sky where the sun rises. I can see it clearly in the open space where that lovely Chinese elm used to be. Charlie has been hard at work the past couple of weeks. He is Props Master for this year's Shakespeare in the Park, held annually in a big tent out at Rock Ledge Ranch which lies alongside the Garden... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Storms over the Plains

One of the things I love about this part of the country at this time of the year is the grand thunderstorm. It rises from behind the mountain in the late morning, and by afternoon it has grown and moved eastward towards us. Especially when it is so hot, the coming of the clouds between the sun and us drops the temperature very quickly 10 degrees or more, and the rain will cool the lands where it comes even more. Today we drove ~50 miles north to Parker to pick up a couple of things. We headed up... Sign in to see full entry.

It is all for Naut... I love the Tall Ships, and I'd love to sail on one someday! They are so very romantic and so very real at the same time! You can't get much more real than setting yourself in a fragile little sailing ship on a big ocean! Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Home report

Between two hard freezes after the leaves had come out, and a couple of hailstorms, I can see the mountain through the big old maple tree this summer. The ocean of green I have enjoyed every summer since moving in here is a bit shallow this year. Embers is eating well again, filling in that bony space between her hip bones, and drinking as she should. The vet and I agree that at her age, now 17, the every-few-weeks steroid shot may raise her risk of developing diabetes, but is preferable to... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 17, 2017

The Joy of Kitchen Cleaning

I've been feeling kinda low of late, sitting too much, being too much on auto-pilot. I am possibly alone too much, and frustrated with the world's lack of effective responsiveness to the world situation, not to mention to me personally. I am suffering from outrage exhaustion. Yesterday, something changed. I can't see well any more, and I am too short and uneasy on ladders of any kind, and I have a friend who is struggling financially. The kitchen has, been going along not quite observed through... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


It was 13 hours from Frankfurt to Seattle, and the wee one did not sleep the whole way, but her mom reports that she remained with in tolerable behavioral limits. They are very glad to be settled in their hotel for now, and I imagine they will be a few days there at least while other things sort out. Buying a new house rests on selling the old one, and in the housing market of the UK these days, they are not greatly optimistic. Their car is also on the market, and for that they hope for a quick... Sign in to see full entry.

In the air!

They are somewhere in the sky between Frankfurt and Seattle right now. Elsa slept through the first flight that lasted just under 2 hours. I suppose it is too much to hope for the same for the long flight. Rumor is she's teething now, too, just to make it that much more interesting. She is just over 6 months old now. Bunnabee has gone, returned to her previous place, as explained before, and Embers doesn't seem to miss her one single bit. She also had the steroid shot on Saturday and is now... Sign in to see full entry.

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