The Ciel Show

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Friday, July 26, 2024

Sitting here in a darkening afternoon, the temperature dropping as clouds gather and winds gust... a satisfying ending to a hot week! According to the weather map, rain is approaching, too. Yep... there's the first distant rumble! The past couple of days I've been rewatching LOST on netflix. It ran originally from 2004 to 2010 and has many familiar faces. The first time through, it was full of mysteries and unanswered questions leading to an ending many found unsatisfying. I remember that many... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Sports Report

Well, here it is Monday after the Mile High Open, Jugger Nationals with 12 teams from around the US. It was held this year in a community park in Aurora, south of Denver, and despite forecasts of thunderstorms both Saturday and Sunday. It's a nice big park with paths and ponds which host a bazillion dragonflies! There was no rain on Saturday during the games, but all up and down the Front Range Saturday night was scattered deluges! Here in the Springs, just about 11pm as I was going to bed, the... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Humdingers and whambangers!

Overnight--in fact, just after I turned out the light to go to sleep, Mama Nature came galloping in with some big and close lightning, not the sort that in any way soothes one to sleep! And then came the downpour! Major drenching, blowing pounding male rain, as the Navajo name it, that went on for at least 30 minutes! No hail, which I was glad of as I do not want to have to replace another windshield, and it a little late to go out and lay a blanket over the glass as we sometimes have done. Hail... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

...Jiggety jig!

Yep, home again after all day in Aurora, the southern side of Denver, where the Juggerers are holding their Mile High Open this weekend. We left the house just after 7 this morning and got back around 7 this evening. The day was closer to 90 than the 85 forecast, but tomorrow is predicted to be much cooler and rainy! That will be for the 11 teams that have gathered for this event from as far as Virginia and California and Arizona! It went well today for Charlie's team, the Marauders so they'll... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Home for a moment...

It's cool and clear this morning, though temps will rise into the upper 80s, They say, and thunderstorms are likely. The visit with my sister was fun and I'm inspired to make more such visits. She introduced me to many of her neighbors and friends, and they expressed great welcome and enthusiasm to meet Julie's Sister! She is much appreciated in her community--an elders facility that offers every level of care from independent living to nursing care. She greets everyone she encounters by name,... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Getting up early this morning, preparing for a drive up to Boulder where my sister lives. An overnight stay means packing up all my meds and stuff which I'm doing now. It's about an hour and a half drive northwards. It's nice and cool here this morning and may not get out of the 70s. I hope it's as nice up past Denver which tends to be hotter by a few degrees. All up and down the Front Range they're predicting thunderstorms. I've been posting on Wordpress again these past couple of weeks. I find... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What a relief!

Finally we have a day of high temps to be in the low 80s! And, They say, thunderstorms! Perfect weather here--I hope the trend reaches out in all directions! Everyone could use a break, I'm sure. Today I have errands to run including getting a proper haircut, before driving up to visit my sister Julie in Boulder tomorrow. later Home again after haircut, grocery, and pharmacy stops, and settling down for a sushi lunch, before heading out again. Busy busy day! But my head will be cooler with less... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Weekend adventures

My high school buddy came down from the mountains to spend the weekend here. We made reservations for lunch at a little authentic German restaurant here in the Springs: Uwe. Reservations required! I had a German coffee--very potent and delicious, served with a dollop of real whipped cream on top! Then, sauerbraten, red cabbage and dumplings. We each ate about half and took the rest home, so while it adds up, it's actually twice as many meals as ordered, so half the cost! Today, to escape the 90s... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Quest Giver

To earn my free pass to Fan Expo, I was there to help at the Alliance tables, and not being enough of an expert on the ins and outs of the LARPing itself, I put on The Hat and went out and about the Expo. The Hat is a thing that attached to the hat I was already wearing, and was a giant yellow exclamation mark. This is a symbol well-known to those who play fantasy games online. It signifies that the person under it is a non-player-character--NPC--who gives quests to player characters. Walking... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Tomorrow and tomorrow...

I thought I was going to write this yesterday, but no huge surprise, yesterday was all about recovery and vegetating. Well, my brain is working again, and here we are! The first thing about Denver's Fan Expo is that from the nearest parking, it's a heck of a long walk to get to the actual front doors of the event center. It's exhausting just to arrive! The walk away at the end of the day is torturous, particularly for someone with accessibility issues: even with the walker, even with benches... Sign in to see full entry.

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