Guy's blog about life with pets in northern mich.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Other people think as I do. What a surprise!

A forwarded email from a friend just blew me away! It struck me as very familiar sounding. I was thinking, “I don’t recall when I wrote this but it’s obvious that I did.” Then at the end it got religious, and I knew that somewhere on this planet exists another highly evolved, intelligent individual, one who thinks like me except for their one brain defect involving religion/superstition. I’m not happy knowing that beyond a certain date, mankind will have to try to carry on in a world that no... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Animal stories from Saginaw bay

Last night I carried my dog Baby out onto the porch, to hook him on his retractable leash. There on the pump house, where I feed a couple of outside cats, was a large opossum, looking guiltily at us. He obviously was deciding whether to run or stay. He probably has watched from the shadows many times as someone put free food (!) out for the felines. I never chase them away from what to him is a feast, so he is getting braver and testing his theory that he could be accepted, too. He probably... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Since we are all sentenced to exposure to commercial ads, usually on a daily basis, perhaps I can be forgiven for dwelling on some of them. There is one currently running for windshield wipers and in it, rain falls upward, drips of water fall upward, I bet you’ve seen it too. My first viewing of it fascinated me because I always wonder how these visual tricks are accomplished. A little girl jumps in a puddle and when I saw this I knew what was about to happen, she was about to get a face full of... Sign in to see full entry.

Putting thousands out of work, but geting rich! Omlets require broken eggs

An interesting thought just hit me! I wonder if Madison Ave. has heard about me. A high percentage of advertisements pique my interest or make me want to reply, rebut, talk about, improve or change them. An ad that does this, accomplishes exactly what all that money was spent to accomplish. I’m the only commercial critic in captivity, as far as I know. I talk incessantly about them, write about them, in short, drive my friends nuts about them. Maybe the suits in big advertising companies did a... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, April 7, 2007


Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll! I hope I don’t have to pick just One! I don’t remember anyone else saying this; it may actually be original, but probably not. Does anyone else get a tight gut when you ask a question, and you are given an answer to a question you didn’t ask? Example: Question: “ Did you look at all the tires, like I asked you to, before you left?” Answer: “It didn’t go flat until I got to M65 and US23!” Question: “Did you look at all the tires, like I asked you to, before you left?”... Sign in to see full entry.

An Easter tradition that makes no sense to me! What do you think?

Last week I delivered the Easter meal to the seniors on my meal delivery route. It consisted of; chocolate milk, ham with pineapple slice, potatoes, green and wax beans, some kind of salad, bread roll/ butter, and Jello/mashmallow cup. The reason I mention this, is my thought that, ‘ Only in America, do people commemorate the life and death of the most acclaimed and world renowned Jew ever born, by eating pork!’ How do you suppose that tradition began? Reminds me of a joke. A rabbi and a priest... Sign in to see full entry.

WARNING! Deer kill hunters each year!

Deer hunting just naturally brings out the storyteller in people. A good friend told me once that he had just about decided to give up on deer hunting. It seems that he was miles from any road when he finally shot a magnificent buck. Burdened with several layers of heavy clothing, rifle, gear and heavy boots, he now had a 170# deer to add to what he had to lug out of the woods. After several sweaty exhausting hours he staggered into his house, hours after dark. He was such a wreck he was unable... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Mea culpa! I made a mistake when I told my friends about where I work

In the interest of absolute honesty and full disclosure, I have to tell you and the world, that early this morning when I was figuring how many hours they work me like a rented mule, each week, I was ……….well,……. wrong. A charitable person would point out that this mental calculation took place in the wee small hours of Friday morning. I can’t be that person, being as I’m all humble, and all. I’m not naturally gifted in math, just most other things. For some reason I thought that 2 ½ hours x 5... Sign in to see full entry.

Much ado about nothing!

Yesterday I recounted a couple of conversations between friends (Dave & me). Some may wonder what began the whole thing, so I am posting my memory of the beginning of it, a prequel so to speak. If George Lukas can do it, so can I. David, I’ve been thinking about what you said, about “Nothing.” You think that I don’t know about how you have been smoldering with resentment, even after all these years? I know from several mutual acquaintances, that you still believe that I actively campaigned for... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Losing my nerve, admiting to the unthinkable!

My next communication with Dave had a different tone, something like this: OKAY, Slick! I have been WAITING for your reaction to my pre-emptive strike, and I can’t take the pressure anymore! I didn’t really think it would work, but sometimes a shot in the dark hits a soft spot. I’m not aware of how you learned that I have “gone soft”. I beg you to remember, fondly, all the times I really did show you the “fine points” of NOTHING. You reminded me of myself, as an aspiring layabout, and I took... Sign in to see full entry.

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