Life in the fast lane--where's the on ramp?

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Friday, June 3, 2011

The backyardagain

There's a crew coming, one of these fine days, to unplant a giant pampas grass that lives by the pond. It's become too big, taken over too much territory, so I asked them to get it out of there. That's the one that attracts the flying sparrow circus each fall, as two or three of them land on a tall... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I can't sell the house now...

I think a redbird couple is nesting in my grape arbor. Bringing people in to inspect might disturb them. Got to thinking, between my senior citizen property tax break and the lower than rent house payments, it would be financially stupid to sell now. Where else could I find this much space for that... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Long distance information

give me Memphis, Tennessee and try to find the number to get in touch with my Marie Marie is only five years old information please help me find the party who tried to get in touch with me. This is an old song, a Chuck Berry rockin' rhythm song, a loud bar song, can't you hear that back beat? It's... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Weather Breeder

It's 74 or 75 degrees already this morning, going up to 90 this afternoon. It's humid and jungly here these afternoons, like mid-July with the humidity drifting up from the Gulf of Mexico, and the heat built up from across the western deserts. Seems to me we had frost warnings a few days ago, and... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Good news! I was wrong!

Just returned from checking out Facebook photos of the empty nest in Florida. You can catch up by reading my earlier blog that starts out with Old Shep... And I was wrong! Things in Bird World really do work that fast. The kids are trying out their wings, their redbird parents and their human ones... Sign in to see full entry.

Old Shep is gone. He's living happily on the farm.

My Florida daughter's been photo-documenting the progress of a Cardinal family. The redbirds built a low hanging nest in a tree just outside their back fence. Low enough that she could, in the little hen's absence, hold her phone-camera up and get a pic of the nest. Soon after the construction was... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

From "News of the Weird" April 3, 2003

GOOD KARMA In Calcutta, India, a year old boy, troubled with a second penis, was undergoing surgery to remove it, when his surgeon was told another boy had just been born without one. Waste not, want not – the transplant was quickly done. Will they become friends? Will the recipient let the donor... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Redbird Babies

Daughter is celebrating her graduation a couple weeks ago by lollygagging around the house, packing for her move to an apartment in Orlando in a couple months, pre-reading her One-L (first level law student) book about what to expect, and catching up on things. She's been watching as a pair of red... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, May 27, 2011

My last nerve...

I first heard that expression "you're getting on my last nerve" a couple years ago. It is such a perfect phrase for that point of no return feeling when circumstance or a stubborn child has driven a mother to distraction or the impulse to deadly force. It's fair warning, like the count-up to... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

My gut's still clenched

Yesterday, again, tornadoes played hopscotch across the country, street lights came on early in the day, debris flew. I stepped out on the porch during a lull to watch some birds, big ones, circling high on thermals. I think they might have been turkey buzzards -- a dozen or so of them live in this... Sign in to see full entry.

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