The Ciel Show

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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th!

Mostly to Americans, who's special day it is, but I would not wish for everyone else who cruises through Blogitland to have an unhappy 4th, so it's for all you Canadian types, and CCT, too, the sweetie! Oh, I nearly forgot to mention--of the nine bean plants that have pushed through the soil and spread their leaves, one has finally gathered up the courage to make a pass at the railing, hugging up against the metal, considering an actual embrace... Last night in the darkness, it was clearly... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Morning after rains

It's a brilliant, cool morning, blue sky with only a few clouds over the Peak, and the gentlest of breezes whispering through the maple leaves. There is a weatherman's promise of thundershowers this afternoon, which are just about always welcome. It has rained, with thunder, the past three or four days. Not day-long 'female' rain that falls gently, slowly soaking the ground but the hard, pounding 'male' rain that comes with lightning and thunder, and beats the land for maybe as much as an hour.... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Flashing light, rolling thunder...!

We've been having this season's first grand thunderstorm this evening. Not as big as they come, but the sky has been filled with lightnings in every direction, some quite spectacular, multi-branching phenomena, and many of those that light the clouds from within. Thunder was almost continuous, trying to keep up, and I could not keep up with counting. For a while, though, there were more than one per second, many overlapping. Rain came pelting down, and a little hail with it. I do love the rain... Sign in to see full entry.

Disappointment dissipating...

Since my previous post here, things have moved along, with my "temporary room" ad. First, a young man called, needing a place for himself and his girlfriend. I had to think about that, about how to adjust the costs for two, for instance. They are pinching pennies pretty hard, but have been staying in a cheap motel that costs more than I am asking, even for two. They prepaid the motel for the coming week, and were not able to get that money back, so they want to lock down a deal with me by paying... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


In the past several days, two people have answered my ad for 'temporary house-sharing.' One came over and it looked like a sure thing--he would move in the next morning. He didn't show up. The second made, postponed, and failed to keep the new appointment to interview, and to see the room. I'm not good with disappointment, and yet, perhaps in a kind of twisted self-defense, I expect it. I make myself expect it. I try to avoid setting myself up for it. I try to be ready for it. Theme of my life,... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

It is evening, the sun is some degrees above the mountains, but it looks as if it's already sunset. There is so much smoke in the air--this from a fire to the southwest of here--that in challenges the white clouds for dominance across the sky. And the sun shine through the thin spots, when there are any. Sign in to see full entry.

Colorado Skies

There are a few new sunsets, added last night. It occurs to me that sunset afficionados might like to see more of the skies of Colorado, so here is the link to the "Colorado Skies" set on flickr. Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish

Well, he is actually more a green and yellow than blue, but in these shots he has a definite blue cast. These are the two beauties I picked up a couple of days ago. The green is pretty rare! I only got one shot of Redfish that seems worth sharing. It's kind of interesting how differently different fish and tanks and conditions give such a different feeling to the results. If you would like to compare these shots--and fish--with others, here is the place... Sign in to see full entry.


I've been reading the novel (James Clavell) again. While the TV miniseries (Richard Chamberlain, Toshiro Mifune, Yoko Shimada) was excellent, it can't cover the history, the commentary, and the characters' inner thoughts. So much as I enjoy the visual version, the book is even more engaging. The first time I read it, some 35 years ago, my family didn't see me for a week. The contrasting of Elizabethan culture with Japanese medieval culture was fascinating, and though there were elements of the... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, June 21, 2013

This one's for the flower lovers...

Kabu comes to mind, and of course, CCT, and TAPS... This morning, I watched a hibiscus blossom unfurl, like a butterfly just emerging from its chrysalis, and took these photos over the space of about an hour. The sequence is backwards, if you follow the photostream back from the latest posted shot. Or you can zip back a few pictures, and start at the beginning. I bought this plant 3 weeks back, wilted and with no indication what color it would be. But I have never seen an ugly hibiscus, so that... Sign in to see full entry.

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