The Ciel Show

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Monday, August 12, 2013

Always a mountain on the horizon

CCT made a comment that got me to thinking about my love of mountains. First of all, I love to be high up above the landscape: my Window Seat pictures, most of them viewable on Flickr, of course, are like being on the highest ever mountain! I drive a pickup, to be higher above the road than a neat little economy car that gets much better mileage. The deck on the upper floor of my house is my favorite place to sit and look out over the neighborhood.If it's an option, my next life will be as a... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Yesterday was grey

with heavy clouds filling the whole sky, and occasionally weeping some. I took down the heavier, darker curtain I'd flung over the living room window's rod, which made it sag a little, but fended off hot afternoon sunlight on those really hot days. For the first time in a while, I had back the view of Pike's Peak. But this morning it wasn't there. Only in the far distance, on the very edge of the sky, was a patch of bright and there was, as far as I could see, no mountain in it. I wondered if... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Stage Fright

JimmyA brought this up, very close kin to that fear of public speaking we most all know of. I think it is a fear of making a fool of oneself. Not as a clown, but as some sort of ninny who is worthy of rotten vegetation flung at one's head, the fear of disappointing, of being not liked. One of the most confident actors I have known, the 'king' of theater, one might argue, in Olympia and very busy throughout the Northwest, did many difficult roles. He was fantastic as Cervantes/Don Quixote in MAN... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Workshop

Charlie did make it in time, just before the closing of the doors. He was able to deliver his audition piece: the Prologue to Shakespeare's HENRY V, and received some advice on how to improve it--in this case, to think of actually speaking to the audience, informing them, rathet than focussing only on the words themselves. Seems a simple key to 'naturalizing' one's preformance, but it is one of the hardest things to get past, that delivery that sounds like a delivery.... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, August 5, 2013

I was about to write...

...when suddenly there came knocking and bell-ringing at the door, still locked from overnight. FedEx, at this time of day? No. It was Charlie, looking like he just woke up. "I just woke up, can you get me to school in 5 minutes??" Yesterday afternoon, we attended the free 'Prologue' talk given by John Douglas Thompson, one of America's leading classical actors. In the course of the after-talk chatting and hand-shaking, he asked Charlie if he was coming to the workshop, today, that Thompson is... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Another openin', another show...

That bit of lyric is from KISS ME, KATE and this weekend's opening at the Rock Ridge Ranch, in a tent in a field, is another Shakespeare: CYMBELINE. It's a rarely-offered play, and I am looking forward to it. It is supposed to be one of the Bard's finest, even if not the most popular. It has Romans in it, and God who enters for His cameo not "from the machine" but on a machine: a shiny Harley! One of the most fun things about seeing the same show in different productions, is that it is never the... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Since I was here last...

l've made another trip to Oly and back--by air, not truck this time, so a lot cheaper, but could only bring back two big duffles of stuff from my old costume shop: real vintage, retro and odd stuff like a few small props that I could fit in among the fabrics and folds. Charlie's Dad had the second eye surgery, correcting for cataracts and glaucoma, just as the first surgery a couple of months ago. I was there to drive him around until he could see well enough again to drive himself. I flew back... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, July 12, 2013

I woke up this morning, thinking of a blog...

not mine, but another that I read last night, that had some interesting, and one very angry comment from someone I like and respect quite a lot, so I woke this morning and re-read the blog and the comment, and finally wrote my own. In fact, there is an expanded version of that comment in my Universe blog today. The ideas have been stewing for some time: the dialectic of hate and fear and determined ideology has some prominence in certain blogs here. There is also a lack of respect for other... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

What's with these people?

After the heat yesterday, and the refreshing downpour in the afternoon, and power outage (only for an hour or two, time I spent doing household stuff under my own power, like dusting all the shelves and surfaces, which you can imagine, is a lot of dusting...) and finding that my Roomer once again made off with all the ice and the ice-bucket, too, leaving me only watery not-yet-frozen ice in the trays, and then having to hear my neighbors sitting out in the pleasant evening about 12 feet below my... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Further thoughts on Paradise

Milton wrote from the purely Biblical perspective, but that is not the only way to look at or resolve the same mythical problems of suffering and death and how we got some good, important things to make life better. In the accounts of Genesis, Biblical and earlier, the serpent is Satan, the Adversary, the Liar--a clear villain. But what he gives Man, is the fruits of knowledge, of awareness of right and wrong... in other words, morality and ethics. In the Greek mythos, it was Prometheus who... Sign in to see full entry.

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