The Ciel Show

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Saturday, September 14, 2013

A new song for Colorado

I've seen fire and I've seen rain... The sky has reappeared, the blue one, with sun shining through. The clouds over the mountain are not those imminent-rain kind. Because I don't have TV and hardly ever look at the local paper, I was only vaguely aware that other parts of the state north of here were getting seriously bad rains and floods. I wrote an email to my sister in Estes Park about a possible visit next week, when Charlie had one of those Dinner Detective shows to do at the Stanley... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, September 13, 2013

The clouds are walking

and it is raining, off and on, light and sometimes not so light. Beyond the trees of the neighborhood, nothing can be seen but grey. And on such a day, it is easy to imagine anything beyond view. It might be perfectly flat out there, the Rockies smoothed down, a plateau all the way to Utah. That would suit our CCT, I believe. Or there could be an ocean--California, Nevada, Utah all dropped off during the night, and Naut is that much closer to the Pacific. Maybe a jungle has grown up overnight,... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Another sunset, another cloud...

Some of the grandest skies I've ever seen are over Colorado Springs. In the summer, thunderheads build to massive heights, to dump out epic storms! And some--subtler, quieter--are all about the art of another unique sunset. The first in this upload was a cloud rising above the mountains, spreading visibly, if one took the time to watch. The rain, when it came, missed our part of the Springs. The sunset was the same sort of cloud, the leading edge of, as it turned out, nothing spectacular. I... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 9, 2013


The wind is blowing-- cool air comes down out of the mountains, night comes over the sky filled with clouds. Summer heat flees on the wind, last of the summer darkens with the end of the day. Curtains billow like sails out into the air and in again, floating on the wind on its changes. I turn off the fans, false winds, open all the windows, all the doors and let in the change. Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Late Summer in the Garden

CCT has inspired me to shoot some things in the garden. Flowers, of course, and Violetta, and a visitor to the bird feeder. We are no longer having the daily thunderstorms, and though this is good news for some parts of the region, it is less good for others, and I, personally, miss them. Especially as, what we are having instead, is heat. I am not good with heat. Diabetics tend to handle heat stress less readily than non-diabetics, so I guess that's an element. These temps in the 90s F remind... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

She's back!

Little Black Squirrel is making regular visits now. Do you suppose the handful of almonds I've been laying on the rail have anything to do with it? She is wary but not shy. I can get close with the camera, close enough to touch, though I don't plan to do that. She is mostly suspicious of Violetta who mutters things to her from a tense position not quite a pouncing poise, but thinking of it. Sign in to see full entry.

I thought I had them all...

but it's like that old Christmas tradition in our household--all Christmas Day, I am likely to go up to anyone in the house and say something like, "I meant to wrap this but I forgot I hid it under the bed a month or two ago, and so... here it is now, Merry Christmas!" So--I forgot these under the bed, and here they are now, a little out of sequence, but... well, it doesnt' matter as long as they made it. Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I just had to do it again

This time with Charlie, who couldn't come along the first time. Davy came along, too. We drove up the Pike's Peak Highway again because he--Charlie, that is--really wanted to go, and because there were still some photos I hadn't gotten. Davy always really wants to go, he doesn't care where. Today, the air was clearer: recent rain washed the smoke residue out so the views were more spectacular than last week. So, yes, I took a few of the same shots I tried before, especially trying to home in on... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 2, 2013

A clear sky with balloons

Labor Day weekend is the Colorado Balloon Classic, and sure enough, when I went out back to put a few almonds on the rail for my little black squirrel friend, there they were, four hot-air balloons, high in the sky, glowing in the morning sun. I am not chasing them this year, but I will watch through the morning to see if any blow this way. Here are links to the photos I've taken on previous Labor Day Classics, if you want to see more of these grand balloons:... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Slide over, TAPS!

You know that when I travel, I have a sense of you with me, especially where there are trails into the wilds! Kabu is coming along now, too, and Pat, as well. Whenever I am in a place where there are likely to be magic folk and little critters with bright eyes, I'll be thinking of Kabu. And where there are mountains and forests, especially when I happen to be in the Northwest, I will feel Pat there, too. When I have my camera in hand, I will be aiming at the things I know you'd like to see, as... Sign in to see full entry.

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