The Ciel Show

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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

baby report

Elsa had her 3-month checkup today, and it is officially recorded now that she is 11.5 lbs, and is up-to-date on most developmental milestones. She is just a nudge or two from actual chuckles, and gives lovely spontaneous grins towards things she likes. She holds her arms out when she wants to be picked up, and arches her back to help when you do reach towards her. She watches the colors, movement and faces on the tv, and has begun to attempt to get anything she can get into her hands into her... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Sunday Morning

From a very solid sleep I was awakened by someone calling me Granny... My daughter had need to put Elsa in my care while she went to clean up after the doggies who had not gone outside in time... So the Wee One was settled down beside me, her head on my shoulder, and she fussed and wriggled and protested, `not the mama' for a bit. But the combination of the heart-beat pat on the back, the shhhhing sound in her ear, and playing with her legs a bit as we do when internal gas is an issue--and she... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Misty morning

Mist and a light steady rain, one of those 'female' rains of the Hopi that falls gently and slowly, inexorably saturates the earth. Our Elsa woke this morning all full of smiles at silly Granny sounds and at Mama generally and in appreciation for the dark beams and white ceiling between them in this ~300 yr old farm house. She is 3 months old now, looking at things and making eye contact, smiling when things please her. Those first 3 months before Baby makes that personal connection with... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

First Day in England

Back in Clitheroe, in Lancashire, having coffee at Nero's... On a new-to-me mini laptop, I can't connect yet with the wifi at the house, so I may be limited to occasional connection at wifi hotspots like the coffee houses and such. It is a day of mostly blue sky and sunshine so far, the air so clear I could see Stonyhurst College across the valley, and the green and woodsy landscape where a couple of years ago we walked a portion of the Tolkien Trail. The nice weather is a pleasing surprise as... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Final packing

The dishwasher is running, the laundry is in the dryer and will soon be in the suitcase along with little thises and thats for Elsa and her mom. She can't get Wheat Thins over there, or Yoshida sauce... I will bring back some foods and other things hard to find here, or more expensive here, and a few things to remember England when I use them here. My house has a lot of little things of that sort: clothes bought in New Zealand, a bit of jewelry from Singapore, bits of artwork, balls of yarn...... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Auction House

Gormann Auctions has a sale alternating Fridays and Saturdays. Fridays are odds and ends, usually, laid out in long rows and the auctioneer strolls down the rows auctioning off the lots one by one. He can choose to offer one lot--an item or a box of items--or will offer several in one group as 'choice.' This means the winning bidder has the choice of any one item/box in that group, and if he/she wants more than one, pays the winning bid amount for each item. One strategy if you really want more... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Perfect Storm at the bank today

The line at the bank was so long today that I saw people who had just gone in coming out again just before I went in. I said something to the guard by the door, and he said, "It's been like this all day." When I finally got to the teller--one of three on duty--I asked about it. Friday... Military payday... Soc Sec check day... Closed on Monday... And several of bank staff are out sick or out of town. For all that, the line moved along despite people like me digging fruitlessly through my purse... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Nothing doing

That's been today. Doing nothing much but watching the Great British Bake Off and resisting the impulse to write snarky comments on facebook. There is quite enough snark there, flying in every direction, and I am tired of it. For now, anyway. I feel maybe a cold coming on, all nasal and sneezy and apathetic. Might be I am just tired and after a night's sleep I may feel fine again. I hope it's one of those, since a week from now I will be preparing to fly out to England again. The Wee Child is 3... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Shows over

The Ralph Vaughn Williams show with the Castle Rock Orchestra went off well to great audience response. It is a community orchestra and their sound is sometimes, to my ears, dubious. But there was a young violinist, high school senior, who offered up an exquisite solo in a piece called The Lark Ascending. Here is a sample by another artist: Charlie doesn't want the Shorn photo shown yet but by next week... Sign in to see full entry.

Day after, Day of...

Friday afternoon through Saturday night we spread out the new brochure and a batch of photos of the Compass Rose Traveling Theater on a narrow table in the hallway of a once-poshish hotel. The Antlers used to be rather fine, the place to stay in Colorado Springs. Now... well, there are two in-house eating spots, but I recommend walking a block or two to good food. Edible food. And the hospitality... well, the first evening there were water stations around for the GalaxyFest participants to stay... Sign in to see full entry.

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