Martas poems

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My water world

I t rains and I look for you, walking by the shore where all memories are imperviously edged by the hands of time. There is no one else on the beach, just me walking among the dream like shapes raindrops draw on the sand, as the waves sensually kiss my feet. How wonderful this heavenly bath feels, cool and awakening, embracing and sweet. The wetness that surrounds all has no beginning, no end, there is no rain, no ocean, no wind... it all combines in a surreal mist is as if I were walking... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, October 12, 2009

On a crisp October morning

I open my window this crisp October morning and it feels more like Winter than Fall, I am far from the ocean shore but the breeze brings me scents of home and the cold in the air cuts through my thoughts like a knife. The sea of grass outside undulates to a northern wind like an ocean teaming with life, forming green waves that reach as far as I can see and take with them my hopes and my dreams, fueling my imagination with a fire full of magic and thrill Those living waves of green... could they... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Our love

We love each other in a way song can not celebrate, for a song is prisoner to its own form and what moves between us is bigger than the heart, and flows endlessly from nowhere to all places small. It is greater, more sublime than we, yet, being love, it loses nothing of itself in the slight confines of our heart, of our mind. Let us retire to the rapture of our miracle, to the harmless heat of love's passion where our anxious minds may relax in the colors, the textures, the grandeur and the... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

My secret

I can sit by you as if you were not there, you can pass by me and I will not turn around, I can speak of what was without pain or regret and I can look into your eyes while I keep talking, keepping up with the conversation without missing a word. I can even say your name and smile, as if we had never met. I can shake your hand and mine would not tremble and I can see you with her without even a sigh. I can go through my days happily and not even try to call you, or to see you, or to remember... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My love

I want you to understand, but how am I to tell you? How am I to explain how empty the streets crowded with cars are, how lonely I am in the multitudes outside, how sad are all those smiles that mean well, but know nothing of my hell. I have tried to fill my heart with the noises of life but silence is all my aching soul now wants There is no joy left in the sunsets that through tears I watch disappear into the night, or in the coldness of the waves that kiss my feet as I walk down the shore at... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

At night

A t night... when the pale rays of the moon kiss the weary dark blue sea, the stars shinning high above decorate the dark warm sky and the murmur of the waves seems to tell exotic tales, of things that happened long before of loves that were and are no more. If you listen to that sea, to the rushing of its waves that caress the lonely shores of white sands the sun has dried, if you tune in and listen close, to your heart's slowing beat, do you think perhaps somewhere lost in that sea's primal... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Some day yo will understand

Some day you will understand that like the wind, some things exist even if they are not seen And If in a cold winter night your frozen soul thaws warmed by the heat of a fire you thought was old, a fire you put out long ago when love went away and left you all alone, you'll understand then, that like river waters... some things are always leaving but never gone. Perhaps one day crossing a street you'll remember something you wanted, almost had, but could not keep. and you will understand,... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The miracle of a friend

Some times, when its very late and dreams we wish for are far, our heart glides around the dark riding the windstorms of fate. It is then our thoughts go to those remnants of loves that had been, and to many other things we usually keep hidden, unseen, cryptic memories our mind has concealed in the innermost corners of our being. In those somber moments, when the present disappears and past feelings rush in out of nowhere, we recall things we thought we had forgotten, things that are no longer... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Till the stars all burn away

And at night...when the sun goes to sleep... and a million stars brighten the sky, I will kiss the hand that's holding mine, rest my head on his chest and listen to his heart. I will open my soul and put aside. all I know, silence all thoughts, for only then... will my mind be open enough to accept the new, and with his arms around me I will know then, that which I was so certain of before,was just not so. In the darkness I will see better and his love will keep me from the chill of night... I... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Is perfection a myth?

T here is only a word that can describe my sky today... glorious and the sun, so brilliant, so luminous, shinning so bright in a cold canvass, but this Autumn sun will soon bring forth its own motherly,nurturing warmth, inspiring every seed to reach out, to break through that it may listen to silence beckoning and be transformed, and life then will team around me, around you will it all then seem perfect?... That sun shines so loudly... it calls out the hermit from his darkness, the maudlin soul... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Life won't miss me As I make my way around, all my aches seem to find a final resting place somewhere above my eyes. Mind empty of images, I try to think, but I don't remember much, my thoughts are all confused... muffled sounds, stranger's faces and bright sparks, seem to come all together and then dissolve into this after Martini mist that has kidnapped my soul. I feel lost, but I keep walking even faster, until my skin shines with a sticky sweat born of fear. As I turn a corner, the wind cuts... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Outside its windy...

Never again will I walk with you hand in hand through these windy streets, counting blessings, making dreams. Never again will I gaze deep into your eyes feeling the eternal essence of our love within and in the grasp of our consuming passion scream, feeling your hands touching secret places of me. Never again will you show me the path to that place that exists only when you bring it out with your kiss. I see the dry leaves that go with the wind never again to be with their lonely tree, but I... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Walk through a picture

W alk through a picture into a world that is no more. A picture your fractured soul has kept intact, tucked into a wound that has not healed deep in the recesses of your heart. Jump into a dream and let your mind drive you through the winding roads that took you from your innocence back then, but this time, look at the shadows, look at them without resentment for though light has forgotten them, these special places you never saw might be the ones where you left that part of you, no one ever... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Is there anything more haunting...

I s there anything more haunting than the far away sound of thunder filling one's heart with fear and longing... When it happens, if I'm writing, my pen just runs away from the ideas that in my head had been stirring and with a life of its own, to the rhythm of that rumbling, it starts to write about lost dreams, hurtful hidden feelings and sad memories I thought long forgotten When the far sound of thunder announces incoming rain, all those unpleasant thingsrun out from inside my soul flooding... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A dream came to me last night

A dream came to me last night, a dream that I did not ask for, a dream of things that cannot be but that in spite of that... were sweet. My mind did not bring me last night to that old familiar place but to new and tender, exciting thoughts of deep brown eyes on a handsome face with lips that I would love to trace softly and deliberately with mine. Strange thing this amazing dream so out of the blue and good Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

What dreams may come

What dreams may come W hat dreams may come on nights when we await the sun, so tired, so awake, remembering smiles, recalling mistakes, when memories we thought had long been gone return to haunt and make us pay for the arrogance of thinking we could put them away. What dreams may come when on a lonely bed we lay and we close our eyes reluctant to admit we are scared, knowing we are powerless, but still afraid to pray, realizing we are nothing and yet feeling we are there, pons of destiny,... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I can not fly

A walk, tranquil, pleasantly numbing, until a falling leaf, golden and ripe, reminds me of you, how you tried to capture its color that day, mixing shades with words...sitting by the bay. The dance of this leaf as it races to the ground, brings me back to that afternoon when we laid on the floor and watch the trees shed their dancing jewels until it got dark. My heart starts to flutter with the thought of you but I do not want to feel, I like being blank, empty, like this paper was before the... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Who am I?

I am... the one that likes to listen to romantic songs. The one that has live dreams but thinks of dead worlds, and that while opening all the windows has inadvertently closed doors. The one that loves the moon, daisies, ice cream and you, sighs when she sees a sunset, tries too hard to forget and enjoys watching the leaves fall when there is nothing else to do, The one that counts the stars she loves sitting alone in the dark, and walks down the streets dansing to the music of her heart. The... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


W here would the sea go without a shore to come home to? The mighty sea, what would it do with its miles and miles of clear blue water, rushing endlessly towards that strip of sand, to meet its destiny, to meet its land, if it were to realize that there is nothing there, nothing to find? Where would the sun rays go without a meadow to shine upon? The all powerful sun, with all its colors, brightness and warmth, what would it do without the world, with no soft skins to tan, no flowers to help... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Nothing will be the same

T he sun will rise tomorrow making everything shine with its light and later, when you go to sleep the moon will be up there again like every other night. Lovers will kiss and make promises they cannot keep, and there will be tears when they make up and accept what is. Somewhere there will be war and somewhere else there'll be peace. Babies will be born and life will change, or not, there will be work and play, dreams and home. I will go on living you will too. The world will keep on turning and... Sign in to see full entry.

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