Martas poems

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Maybe G-d just does not care

Is raining again, a cold continuous, cold rain, the buzzing sound it makes is hypnotizing and softly, soothes my pain. Sitting here looking through the glass of the window that faces the patio and the pool my mind wonders into the not so distant past, when we were so happy and we played like kids swimming, dancing holding each other so tight from the first rays of the sun and late into the night. Today, you are right here in front of me, and I am holding your hands, but there is nothing between... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, November 9, 2009

If you look at her

If you look at her, sitting there and smiling there is no way you can tell that inside, she is crying but she is, and yes, she smiles, trying to hide the tears that from her heart flow as everything in her life seems to have sped up just when she would like have liked it all to go slow for the pain in her heart was getting to be too much There is another... and it is harder to be all alone next to him and so many others all around that though they appear to care is just for themselves they do,... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

If we could...

What if we were to go, you and I to where virgin sands and clean blue skies connect with crystal waters like a vivid magic dream, a place untouched by life's imbalances where our hearts could sing and shout out melodies unknown to dark and dusty memories, where life would smile through our wet lips whispering sweet words and fragile promises which would hover in the wind a while and them spiral out of sight, and mind, and reach. We would not hold ourselves there to yesterday's gifts of glad or... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

He walks alone

He is strong, yet vulnerable. and no woman alive would stay away from his arms of comfort and protection, not the protection of man for child, but the fulfillment of that primal need of woman to merge with man, to feel the pain, to share the weight of tears. What woman would not willingly be conquered and bound in his heat, Which one would not dream to be with him... to explore the promises contained in his words words not meant for anyone but one but that resonate with all Those... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Its cold outside

Its cold outside but the stars that fill the sky don't seem to mind for they are as beautiful as ever, bestowing their shine upon a world starved for the clarity of their light The autumn leaves that yesterday were so bright today, brown and brittle, casualties of time, fly about in the coolness of the night pushed by a North wind that blows hard..., their rufled sounds combining with the romantic rushing of ocean waves which have come from very far to kiss the shore and perhaps murmur to its... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Meet me tonight

Meet me tonight in that place where all who dream dwell, where no one can reach... no one can go, unless they are willing to love... that place near heaven but too close to hell which those who desire each other know all too well, lets forget about what is and what will be, there'll be time enough tomorrow to weep, tonight, we'll just be two lovers holding hands walking together with no shadows, down golden sands, the light of our souls merging into one as we taste each other's need in the... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Under the moon's bewitching light

I look at the moon and I can help but to sigh It's so big and beautiful and bright... that even the stars must envy her tonight. and I wonder... if you, like me, are alone under its bewitching light... thinking of me, as I think of you when here in the dark I admire the softness of her light as it caresses the trees out there in the park... and if you then wonder, as I do, how that light would look reflecting on us if we were making love. I know when I see that moon shinnining up there I feel... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The magic of you

Fingers of light drawing on my skies filling with color the new born night they make everything so beautiful... and as their work softly fades darkness, my trusted friend, comes my way all dressed up in many points of light. I welcome him into my bed making love to him under the light of his stars those far away stars that shine so bright..., then, laying within him on my empty bed, I try to imagine your warm touch and my imagination takes off going on a journey that leaves the dark behind, a... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Everything is quiet.. the moon softly illuminates the terrace where until very late that night we sat and talked under its light. I still can feel the touch of your hand on mine, see the urgency in your eyes, in your voice, when you told me through your tears there was no more time. Now, alone, listening to the rush of the waves that brake un the rocks down below I somehow know G-d will keep you safe and I can tell you what my tears drowned off then. Go my love, if you must. Go. Is not that your... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, October 30, 2009

There are times when words cone to me

T here are times when words come to me, not my own, words spoken by souls that have passed before words meant only for me, created where dreams are forged made out of tears and smiles for me alone, and when they arrive, these golden words, these dark, tender, bittersweet illuminating words, I cannot articulate them, though they shine upon me blinding me with their promise of epiphany. It is as if the warmth of the sun and the chill of the night were one and they would have enveloped my heart... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Is there anything more haunting...

I s there anything more haunting than the far away sound of thunder filling our heart with fear and longing... When it happens, if I am writing, my pen just runs away from the ideas that in my head had been stirring for so long and with a life of its own, to the rhythm of that rumbling, starts to write about my lost dreams, about the feelings I've hidden, about all those sad, sweet things that with the far sound of thunder announcing incoming rain, run out from inside my soul to flood the... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What does she have but words to give him

What does she have but words to give him, words that even at their best can not express feelings that not even to her soul she dares confess. How can she tell him that she wants him, all of him, but has nothing but her words to trade. that she would love to love him like no other has loved him, with all her heart and soul, all day without shame... with pride... in the morning light and then at night just laying there by his side, watching him sleep, jelaous of the dreams that put such a sweet... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I walk and I think...

I would love to be blank, empty, like this paper was before the words went on. but its not an easy thing to do to erase from my mind the thoughts of you, so I walk... alone through the whispering forest. admiring the naked trees... so tall, so happy, swaying in the Autumn wind, their branches striving to touch the sky so blue. And I wish I could fly, fly away somewhere within that turquoise sky where I could make myself over to be anyone but me, somewhere I could feel free, free of the memories... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


When I see the perfection of a flower in the light the softness of its petals, its colors…just right and notice how magnificently it opens itself up to the sun full of trust, it is hard for me to live with the knowledge that all too soon it will be nothing but dust. When I look into a child’s eyes and have a glimpse of his innocent soul, I marble at the promise of his future, at the infinite possibilities of his life, but it saddens me to think of all the pain and tears that someday might mar... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The land where poets dwell

T here are many places in nature that fill us with awe they capture our souls, never again letting go. among all those there is one I know too well It is the place where poets dwell, a land of a million words, where one can walk or fly among the birds, swim in the waters of one's own birth, or float peacefully within oneself It is a province of kings, queens and poor love stricken peasants, where flowers and cute little creatures can be the forests only tenants It is a place where monsters of... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The knot

Some loves sink their roots into a heart in there tying a knot… ever so tight, shutting out all light, making it impossible to see clearly enough to brake it apart, and though we try and try to undo that knot that hurts so much, it is so firmly tied, so deeply it grabs, that sometimes we fear when we die it will still be there tied … ever so tight. We waste our time, pulling and scraping at the unholy knot, twisting it down,… twisting it up but unbelievably, all the while it has in us its hold f... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Autumn Blues

I t rains so hard... as if the gray clouds were crying for something they'd lost, a constant wall of water reminiscent of tropical deluges and yet, there is a coldness in the water that falls from that sky, that white sky devoid of warmth, a coldness that submerges my mind in Autumn blues, overtaking my will, immersing my mind in a nostalgic fog. Those Autumn blues, that softly, slowly, descend upon my soul, when I look out of my window and I see the leaves fall, covered in shinny, shimmering... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, October 19, 2009

If I would have met you first

Like the moon that shines among the stars, illuminating with their help the somber night, I would like to be in your darkness, a light, to brighten your sadness and make you smile. If I only could, If I would have met you first... you would be my only thought and I would be your best. I would kiss you and hug you, if you were feeling lost and assure you that in my heart you would always have a place. I would be your toy to play with when you are bored and the soft pillow where you lay your head... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Storm of though

The bed looks inviting with its soft silk white sheets so tightly wrapped around the mattress, and seems to beckon my soul to rest. Through the opened window a soft ray of moon light illuminates the room, but no breeze comes through it there is only heat... the humid heat dense, and heavy....of a late summer's night. There are no pleasant smells of blooming pink flowers. or sultry ones coming from the near by blue sea, just the bed there so peaceful, and the pale blue light that makes... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Who put that rainbow up there?

A s the rain pounds on my window, many small puddles start to form, and as the sound of the storm rides on the wind that blows, drops make ripples in their centers, ever growing circles of energy, that come from nowhere and go no place, little circles that become larger, then disappear without a trace, They disappear in the nothingness where things that are gone, go, that mystical, intangible wholeness that is everything being not, much like what we once wanted so much, that it took away our... Sign in to see full entry.

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