The crazy lady strikes again for Monday, October 23, 2006

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Monday, October 23, 2006

Is it evangelism or is it illegal?

One might call this the third in a series of articles on the limits to human freedom. I started thinking about some of the things I am about to discuss because they are associated with the fundamentalist Protestant practice of the altar call. Regular readers will remember that I portrayed this custom as being manipulative, whether the people who engage in this custom intend to manipulate others or not, due to the way in which the environment of the altar call (the soft organ music, the pastor... Sign in to see full entry.

The mother of all sore throats

All the cleaning we've done over the past few days has kicked up just enough garbage to go to my throat. Therefore, I have the mother of all sore throats right now. Rest assured that hot tea and plenty of rest are on the menu for today, sprinkler installation or no sprinkler installation. Perhaps later on today, depending on whether or not the pipes are up to it, I will call village hall to give the building inspector the proverbial piece of my mind. One thing I plan on mentioning to all and... Sign in to see full entry.

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