The crazy lady strikes again for Sunday, October 15, 2006

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Sunday, October 15, 2006

I hope Jemmie is all right

Regular readers of this blog might notice a link to Jemmie211's member profile on the right side of this blog. She lives in Hawai'i - I believe on the Big Island - and one of the islands in Hawai'i was hit with a 6.5-magnitude earthquake earlier today (10/15/2006). There has been at least one aftershock, to my knowledge. I do hope she's all right. In the meantime, support her by clicking on some of the blogs listed in her member profile, to assure her (each in our own way) of our support for... Sign in to see full entry.

Chariots of Fire

How many of you remember the movie Chariots of Fire? For those of you who don't, I'd like to provide a plot summary. This movie tells the tale of two runners on the 1924 British Olympic team, Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahams. Liddell is a devout Presbyterian (back when such denominational labels mattered in the Protestant realm) who finds out in the course of events that one of the heats in which he is scheduled to run is going to be held on a Sunday. As a devout Christian, Liddell refuses to... Sign in to see full entry.

The grey zone

This is one of those entries that could go in any one of several blogs. That's because the subject of the entry is appropriate to at least two of my blogs, so I decided to put it in here. Several years ago, I belonged to a Catholic church in another diocese. (I no longer attend that parish.) While I was a member there, I joined the choir. I admired this particular choir director for what seemed like his devotion to God; when he took communion at Mass, it always seemed to me as if it were the... Sign in to see full entry.

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