The Ciel Show

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Sunday, February 11, 2024

Gouty McGoutface!

Sunny and cold today, a good day to stay home, and I might even watch that sports thing on tv today. The Feisty Grannies have postponed their 2nd Sunday to the 3rd to meet up at the Fire Thieves Studio parlor. It isn't just the weather keeping me home today. It has been a few years... but these past couple of days I've been feeling a bit o' the old gout in my right foot. I ran out of my allopurinol for a few days, and those nasty old purines built up, and so here we are. It isn't too bad, I can... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Weekend is looming

It's snowing again, about an inch accumulation so far, and it will be cold cold cold tomorrow and Sunday, so between that and the also looming Super Bowl, the Feisty Grannies will be meeting the third Sunday instead of the second this month. The car is in the shop getting fitted with new all-weather tires, and the truck which had gone into hibernation mode got a jump yesterday so we could get a couple of errands done before returning to my grandson at O'Reilly's where he works, to re-test the... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Midweek 'Murders'

Sun is teasing through overcast today, and word is we can expect maybe as high as 60 today. Snow, of course, is predicted for the coming weekend. Between that and the Big Game on tv, I think the Feisty Grannies Knitting Circle will postpone our next meeting until the 3rd Sunday of February. Anyone here a fan of MIDSOMER MURDERS? I'm watching through this series of 24 seasons as I work online. Having seen them all before over the years, I still enjoy seeing the very young actors who have become... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

The sound of dripping water permeates the house this morning, cold rain falling but not yet cold enough to be snow. They say that will come later and overnight, and that there will be snow on the ground tomorrow. It's a good day for staying home, for reading and house-keeping. It's a good day for screen-time, but then I spend quite a lot of my time on one screen or another--or both at once! I've been re-reading my collection of Tony Hillerman's mysteries. He lived in the Great American Southwest... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, February 2, 2024

The news is good...

...about the 'new' car: The funny little shudder that ha$1ppens now and then with acceleration is not transmission related, and is common, it seems, to Nissans generally. Nothing dangerous, just worrisome if you don't know it isn't dangerous or transmission related. So instead of paying a lot for fixing that, I can get the new all-weather tires that actually will make it safer, and that will cost less than $1000. In the meantime, cold cold winter and lack of exertion have sent the truck's... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Now what?

Sunny morning, gonna reach the 60s today! I'm wondering whatever shall I do today? The car is in the shop getting checked out--it sometimes stutters when accelerating--and maybe getting some all-weather tires on it. I'm sitting with the warmth of what has turned out to be a very long shawl/lap robe sort of thing. Yep, it's finished, except for working in a few more loose tails that happen with striping colors. So... what next? Well, there are 4 skeins of merino waiting to be reshaped into balls.... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Monday to-do list

Rising just before 7, in time for a brilliant peachy sunrise on a day that may get as warm as 60 degrees this afternoon, I've got my coffee beside me. I do the drip method and today used up the very last of the ground coffee. The new can I got for Christmas I finally opened yesterday and discovered it's beans! So first on the Monday list: grocery store. I either need to get more ground coffee, or a grinder! On the way to the store, the second thing is a stop at Kaiser to refill a couple of... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Day After The Day After

I seem to have gotten past the road-trip lag, my mind is much less fuzzy today, and that makes everything go smoother. We got the latest round of free covid test kits from the gummint yesterday and Charlie has ascertained that whatever was congesting him was in fact NOT covid! Besides that, he's feeling much better, and sounds better. We're at the workshop today. What a job it is to recover from a show! We decided to do some more reorganization, clearing some wall space in the room where the... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, January 22, 2024

After the weekend event

As was not unexpected, COSine was not a money-maker for the Fire Thieves' Studio. Charlie sent two Wasteland Bears home with a woman who so enjoys his creations that she collects them! Someone else also took home one of Charlie's inks, the one of a dragon sitting reading under a tree. My crocheted pieces attracted some nice comments, but they were all packed up after the show to return to the workshop. All the same, it was not a bad event, and I accomplised several things I've been wanted to do... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Saturday at the show

Sun's up and temps are slowly, slightly rising... I hope people will be encouraged to come out of their houses and come to COSine! As it worked out, I could have gotten a vendor table, but that would mean sitting behind it all through the show, and I'd have to learn to use Charlie's 'square' device for taking non-cash payments. So instead, I tagged a batch more hats and scarves for the art show/auction table. I can now attend some of the panels and presentations also on offer at the convention.... Sign in to see full entry.

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