The Ciel Show

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Monday, March 11, 2024

Monday Monday

Sitting here with a big cup of tea, touring Britain via a show that connects landscape to literature. The day outside is nondescript so far, though it's likely to be nice later, fair with mid-60s F. The Feisty Grannies were two yesterday. My friend Joanne stayed home as some people in the show she's currently rehearsing have covid. Meri arrived right at clock-1pm. I wasn't sure people would be on top of the clock-shift, so I was there at clock-noon. Wouldn't you know, I left home the J-hook... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Feisty Grannies Sunday

The sun is shining through the front window at the workshop, so the parlor is warm as the day creeps up on 60F. Nice as it is, I am likely the only Feisty Granny here today. Joanne was exposed to covid from various cast members in the show she's currently in rehearsal for, and I have not heard from anyone else. No problem, I have my project to work on, and a cup of tea brewing. Last night I discovered it is possible to tear out 15 hours of work in an hour. I kept hoping, kept working on it, but... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Busy Tuesday

This week something is going on every day. Monday was about getting some blood tests done, then a trip down to the workshop. Today I sorted out some financial stuff, then Charlie and I dropped our primary ballots in the box, and was in the neighborhood, so went to the yarn shop to pick up some more colors for the current project. Naturally, I also picked up some for the next project. I've made enough hats and scarves over the past few months, and now I'm focusing on bigger items. It began with... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Sunny but chilly today, and maybe rain or snow later... I've spent some time this morning catching up with reading my friends' posts here. Usually I make a comment, but not always. But I do read you, to find out what's up in your world and to share some of the pennies I pay into Blogit. The truck has a functional battery now, and we drove some stuff down to the workshop yesterday. After driving the car for several weeks now, the truck was, to use a term I heard from an aviator describing flying... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Sun's a-shining, and the day is pretending to be spring! Last night I was sleepy early, went to bed before 9, so woke up around 4am. I read a while--finally finished HENRY VIII (Alison Weir), a pretty big volume that has taken quite a while to read. It's a very thorough history of the times, and I confess to glossing over, not to say skipping over a few pages. But the history of the man and his world I find very interesting. At the back of the book, the author wrote about how movies and tv have... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, March 1, 2024

DUNE Review

Finally, a movie that makes me feel like I have actually seen a movie! I appreciate everything about DUNE part two. It's three hours and feels like it but in a good way. It isn't for everyone: It's science fiction set in the far future of a universe with no reference to Earth except for people being people, good and bad, strong and weak, beautiful and grotesque, sacred and profane... Oh, and they had bagpipes in Part One. The special effects are big without being flashy. The story is nuanced... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

"...and another thing...!"

Winter storms out, and then snaps back again... Winds are up in the Springs, but not as much as elsewhere in the state: 40mph gusts here, 60s and 70s mph even 80s south of here, and in the mountains. Temps that were mid-60s the past few days aren't expected to top 50 today, and the word 'snow' was mentioned. Today I'm continuing a Great Laundering which will help with warming the house, with the dryer running. That started yesterday, one of my accomplishments of the day. Another was making the... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Thursday? Really? Already?

Today is cooler and maybe drizzle-to-come, but before and after days have been fairly warm and pleasant. Some grey and damp is kind of a welcome change as long as it doesn't last too long! Today's adventures began with Pixie's first trip to the vet since she came home last April. She invented some new language for the trip, very basso profundo compared to her usual tones, and drawn-out sounds that may have been threats, I'm not sure. But she calmed down and was fine if very inquisitive in the... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Checking in...

The sun is shining on what remains of yesterday's snow, and that will likely all be gone when temps get up to the 50s this afternoon. The gout has cleared up and both feet are now functional again, as much as they ever are. My high school buddy Eunice is here this weekend, and in a while we'll drive down to the Fire Thieves workshop and turn on the heat in the Parlor for the Feisty Grannies who come by to hang out and wield hooks and needles and turn yarn wearable. We've had a pleasant weekend... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Not a good night...

Got the best kind of Valentine yesterday, when Charlie walked a couple of miles to the Kaiser pharmacy to pick up the new medication for the gout that has been plaguing me this past several days. I just gave him chocolate. Last night was not good. I was sleepy but couldn't get to sleep for many hours, after several false starts. That's when I feel ready to sleep, put the book down, put out the light... and don't fall asleep. Sometime after 3, sleep came, and dreams of frustration, and... Sign in to see full entry.

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