The Ciel Show

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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday... Well, it could be worse!

While our Pat B is having troubles with her little red Ruby, my daughter in Seattle matched her: someone in a big pickup truck pulled out too fast and carelessly and smashed Marika's car, taking off a fender and knocking it sideways which looks like chassis damage. And yes, it was a hit'n'run. By great good fortune, my daughter was not in the car at the time. There were witnesses and cameras, and people who got involved, and the driver of the truck may have run off but she didn't get far and was... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, June 10, 2024

So pleased that after planting the sweet peas yesterday and watering them in a bit, nature had provided some more gently rain to speed along the magic. I hope they make it to blooming this summer. My grandmother used to grow them, and I love their scent! Yesterday's bbq was more of a picnic with large amounts of already-cooked meats and already-cut watermelon and a number of people we don't know and didn't have much in common with. There was no thunder-storming, but the clouds covered the sky... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Gardening in the morning cool

It's not supposed to get very hot today, in fact, thunderstorms are expected all afternoon. Not much in the way of clouds in the sky yet, but they are beginning to build up over the hills. Yesterday I bought plants. I've avoided it this year mostly so I don't set myself up for watering chores, but I chose some herbs--sage, basil, and rosemary--to go in one pot, and hopefully scent the air with skeeter-discouraging aromas. I also bought a grape vine, well-started. They are Niagara grapes and... Sign in to see full entry.

the cat trap

Pixie is cuddled up against my leg sleeping so deeply that when I touched her she did not startle awake with a loud comment. This is the second time that's happened. Usually, she has something to say if I so much as sigh deeply or yawn or hiccup or sneeze... From the very start, every sniff was commented on. And she never slept deeply enough for any little biological noise to get by her. Back in those days, a little over a year ago now--could it be two...? I'm old, I don't know time... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Friday musings

Sitting here on the deck with my coffee again this morning instead of in front of the tv... Magpies were making a great fuss a while ago, one on the roof above the deck and the other in the maple tree facing it. Actually, facing Pixiechonk and hollering up a ruckus as I've seen them do before with other cats. When I appeared on the deck they suddenly had nothing to say and flew off to watch from a safe distance. There's big pot of soil here so I loaded several smaller pots and one smallish... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Morning reveries

It's so pleasant sitting in the cool of the day on the west/northwest facing deck! It's now just over 70 F, with a light breeze riffling through the ocean of green maple leaves off to the left. I have my first iced-coffee of the day beside me, also Pixiechonk. Last night was one of early to bed but many wakings through to morning. Once dreams settled in, I was beset by music that lasted until proper waking. Was it Beethoven's Ode to Joy? A Strauss waltz? Something jazzy from the swing era? No...... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Summer today!

It's a lovely cool morning but could be in the 90s today. Possibly a good day for a road trip, a half-day drive up the Ramparts Range Road. It runs uphill from the Garden of the Gods, and I hear that it is newly re-opened and in good repair. It was closed a few years ago after the Waldo Canyon wildfires. The way down is through Woodland Park. That's where the Dinosaur Resource Center is located. They have just unveiled a new fossil skull of something related to but smaller and earlier than... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

4:05 AM

That's when the first bird sang this morning, and for about half an hour, it sang alone until a couple of other voices roused--crickets, I think. There was a car, then a while later, another, and now, 40 minutes later I begin to hear the distant highway and a small truck powers on past the house. There are more birds, too, farther off. This is the prize for waking up at 4:05 AM. To my eyes, the sky has not yet begun to brighten. It's expected to get into the 80s today, actually summer-hot and... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, May 31, 2024


Well, I'm back from my vacation from Blogitland... Right now I'm sitting on the front deck that got the start of a make-over today. The mess of old pots of dirt and dead plants has been cleared away, a large bag of the empties set out on the curb for anyone who cares to scoop them up. The reed fencing has been set up across the front lending a bit more privacy, and hopefully less heat beating on the house come summer afternoons. The reeds are 6 feet tall, so we've cut out a bit at the bottom so... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Another Monday

Here it is Monday again, and I've been up since 5:30 listening to the wind whipping through, cavorting among the tree limbs, and attacking the flappaflappa... That's what Charlie calls the sheet of plastic he tucked in over the windshield of the Dentra after Wednesday night when some cockabloodyimbecile* smashed it in just for giggles. The glass place I go to will on this occasion come here to replace it but couldn't do it until today. I am hoping that the wild winds we expect all day won't... Sign in to see full entry.

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