The Ciel Show

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Monday, December 9, 2024

Winter's back this week

After a fairly balmy week in Colorado Springs, with highs in the 60s, today's is predicted to get up to 35. Towards afternoon, snow, so They say. Maybe only a little, a couple of inches They say, but also that it will be on the weather map until tonight. So, that'll be about 10 flakes an hour over any given inch of the land. The sun rose under a flaming patch of cloud but now has gone into hiding with cloud covering the sun and the sky. I'm having a hot breakfast of eggs poached in chili. (Maybe... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Weekend has ended

Here I am home again, feeling the tired! Charlie did well enough at the small art show this weekend. One bear went home, and some of his little items also, and several 'bappers.' Bappers are a new thing: little boffers about two feet long, paw-shaped, and covered with socks that look like various kinds of animal legs and feet. They are very cute! He got the idea when I gave him a pair of cat-paw socks. He found a source for them, discovering there are a lot more kinds than that first cat on... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Holiday's over...!

This weekend Charlie is displaying his wares at another show. This is a small one attached to a local store that specializes in pop culture toys and games and stuff. They do this "customer appreciation day" every year and it has been a good show for him every time. It isn't about lots of big sales, but the table fee is only $20 so there's a better profit margin. I've noticed lately a lot more awareness and support for going to small businesses and local artists and crafters rather than spending... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Before the Feast

It's cold, as is the case just about everywhere in the US this morning, and once again we have some snow coming down, though nothing remarkable and it will probably not last the day. Charlie made it home on time from Seattle despite the branches and trees across many roads in Issaquah after that cyclone 'bomb' the night before his flight. Some kind of miracle/blessing/luck that none of the roads to the airport were blocked! My daughter's house sustained minimal damage--one cracked, one broken... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Winter is coming...

After a pretty good night's sleep I woke around 5am in time to see the full moon setting behind the Front Range. Once again, there are rewards for getting out of a cozy bed before the sun comes up! Yarn arrived today, two colorways, one yellows/reds/greens and the other dark blue with purples and yellow/greens flecked through it. They are pretty nice acrylics, and plenty of each to make a couple of lap blankets. I guess those are the theme of this year's holiday creative effort. I just finished... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Aftermaths and On-goings

It is snowing this morning, adding to the top of the foot or so we had yesterday. I am really glad we did our grocery shopping on Tuesday before it started coming down. I feel trapped at home right now. But also wryly aware that at least outwardly I'm a straight, cis, Euro-American descendant with a fairly secure roof and walls and reliable heating and reasonable financial security for now, and pregnancy is not an issue: So many of my friends, relatives, acquaintances, and people I've never met... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, October 31, 2024


It's a definitely cold morning, but bright with the sun that was up before me this morning. The big maple that graces the air at the end of the deck is brilliantly yellow now, and has yet to drop many leaves. It's way too cold to open the deck door from the living room to bask in its glow, but nice to peek out now and then and take in its grandeur. This is not a 'magnet' street for trick-or-treaters, despite Charlie's fanciful decorations and treats-delivery system. Also, he gives great treats:... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Winter comes!

This next week will be cold and wet and even snowy. Pike's Peak is already whiter than it's been in months, and we've had a few flakes down here, too. This afternoon's sky is blue and white in large areas but portentously dark and heavy clouds are loading in the western sky. I'm at the shop at the moment, but looking forward to watching the snow falling later from the cozy confines of my own house! I've nearly completed my latest large crochet project. It's a blanket, lap-robe sized, but came to... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Into the Mountains

It was a cool but bright and lovely morning, and we started with breakfast out, and then drove up into the Garden of the Gods a ways. We were looking for, and finally found, the Ramparts Ridge Road which runs from Garden of the Gods up into the Ramparts Range and comes out near Woodland Park. This rough road was closed for a few years following the Waldo Canyon wildfires, but last year it was opened again, and this was the first time we went to check it out. More about that in my "Adventuring"... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, October 25, 2024

A cool thing happened...

This afternoon I drove Charlie up to Denver so he could display his work in the art show/auction. There wasn't any timing pressure, and most of the art show was already set up when we got there. While Charlie settled his Wasteland Bears and the boffers that he brought for the first time to one of these shows, I cruised around to check out the rest of the art. There was a gentleman putting out some astronomical art. Some was science fiction oriented, some was science. One piece that caught my eye... Sign in to see full entry.

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