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Thursday, January 13, 2005

Productive Day (Even if It had a Late Start)

Slept late again, because my muscles were bothering me. Then I walked in the snow, slush, and fog to pick up the Green Party voter list from Town Hall. Got stuck repeatedly and Robbie had to get me out the snow, once barrowing a shovel from a nearby denitist to free me. Then we walked into a Chinese... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Itchy and Yucky Day

Nothing much to report today. I slept most of the day and am itchy from an allergy flare up. Now I am watching an episode of Law & Order that I've already seen as I type this to distract myself from my discomfort. The one productive thing I did was arrange and mediate a phone call between Waisswa... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Tuesdays with Robbie

I didn’t work a lot on the campaign today as yet, although I may still tonight. When I got home from having my chair fixed and changed PCAs from Sahar to Robbie (who filled in for a few hours this afternoon, I went to the bus stop to gather signatures but no one came. The day was somewhat... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Off and Running in My Run for Office (Starting Tomorrow)

I should sleep since I plan to get up early and meet the first bus (and all the other buses throughout the day) with my Board of Selectmen campaign flyers and nomination forms. I printed the flyers on green paper (because I'm the Green Party candidate) in quarter sheets (because I want to save... Sign in to see full entry.

Slow Start to Today

Slept late again today, even skipping my ride to town hall because of fatigue. Didn't move from my bed until almost 12:30 PM EST. I feel a lot better though. Think I've beaten back whatever was bugging (no pun intended) me. Have a bunch of phone calls to make before I leave for Scrabble, so it looks... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, January 9, 2005

Day of Rest or Day of Sloth?

I totally slept late today, not moving from my bed until approximately 1:30 EST. I feel like I have sleeping sickness, but otherwise I feel fine. I just took my allergy pills and ate a peanut butter on wheat bread sandwich and had a cup of lemonade. Now I’m channel surfing while I write in my... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, January 7, 2005

The Day Thus Far

I am sitting in my manual chair and watching Court TV while I wait for the van service. Some ridiculous guy is suing Candid Camera because they played a joke on him by making him get an airport screener belt. He’s just the type that people hold up when they talk about frivolous law suits; the type... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, January 6, 2005

Snow Day Report

My snow day was quiet. I’ve spent most of the day with the computer, the phone, and the TV. I also took some time to look outside at the beautiful scene. It looks like a postcard! I would have liked to go out and play in the snow (Yes, I know I’m 28. What’s your point?), but it’s too cold and wet... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, January 5, 2005

Chairs, Repairs, and Other Matters

Despite off and on snow- heavy at times- since this morning, I had a successful day ( although it was busy and early and a little stressful because of those two things ). First, Robin got here just in time to leave on the van with me when it departed at 8:01 AM exactly. Then we went to the chair... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, January 3, 2005

Productive Again!

Called the shippers again and checked in with Uganda for a minute. For some reason, Xindi (the head shipper) can't get my e-mail. I'm going to e-mail him from all 3 of my addresses and hope he's gets at least one. On the upside, checks came today- yay! I made a bunch of phone calls about everything... Sign in to see full entry.

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