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Sunday, January 2, 2005

Running Start to 2005!

Today has been very productive. I've sent my ex an e-card, after forgetting yesterday was her birthday. We'll still close. In fact, I'm not entirely sure she's my ex. Other than that, I cleaned my desk, blogged, checked e-mail, made my first ever referral to Blogit ( I don’t know if he’s going to... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, January 1, 2005

Honoring Old Wives' Tales

My great-grandmother was a superstitious person. She told me that on New Year’s Day you should do three things- leave the house (otherwise you’d get sick or hurt frequently and have to be housebound a lot), be productive (otherwise you’d have a sloth-like year without many accomplishments), and do... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, December 31, 2004

Almost New Year on Blogit; After New Year Here

I am back from my New Year’s celebration; it’s about 2 AM on the East Coast. Spent the day seeing really some cool shows and some bad shows. I talked about the dances I saw with Robin who also dances. I liked some of the groups, but a lot were so terrible that I’m actually planning to create a piece... Sign in to see full entry.

Nearly New Year

This has been the weirdest day ever. I fell asleep after midnight just woke up at 4:30 AM full of energy. So I wrote an article on wheelchair ramps for Write for Cash. I think it was really good. Now that I’ve got Paypal linked to my new Citizens account, I need to remember to send in my W-9 form so... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Money and Sloth

My bank account dwindles. Today I spent $32 on First Night Buttons. First Night is a big all day show here that goes from 12:30 in the afternoon until after midnight every New Year's Eve. I lent Sahar 88.20 for a plane ticket until tomorrow when she gets paid, that brings her total owed me to $110.... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Productive Day...

The boxes left and are in good care after a bit of drama. The heating guy fixed the heat. I ordered my monthly latex glove supply and rescheduled my wheelchair repair appointment. Went shopping and opened a bank account. Got money orders for two bills and switched the account for my SSI check. My... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Homecoming (Halleluiah)!

I'm home at last! Got here around 8 PM after after an 8 hour train ride, which included a small bit of consumerism at 30th Street Station in Philadelphia ( I bought a postcard and a Christmas tree light necklace ) and a mini trip to Stop and Shop for eggs, juice, and toilet paper. Sahar got Mountain... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Parentally Annoyed Rant

My mother, whom I love dearly, sometimes (make that often when I'm in the same house with her) makes me want to kill her. She doesn't approve of anything from my choice of assistants, to my choice of apparel, to how I spend my money, to how to I keep house, to who I let use my phone. She doesn't... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Deck the Malls!

Went to the after Christmas sales. Got my mom a huge Nutcracker all decked out in purple for $25 (it was 75% off). She's going to freak when she sees it next year. Also got her a bunch of nutcracker ornaments for Mother's Day. Now I just need a pair of Christmas socks for a socking stuffer. Plus. I... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Season's Greetings!

The presents are opened and the dinner is done. The after dinner nap's been taken and the grandparents visited. I've hugged and "ohh"ed and "ahh"ed over gifts. I chose wisely at presents I decided to give. I've met my cousin's new girlfriend (I'll never get used to him not being married to the woman... Sign in to see full entry.

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