Whacky's Corner

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Friday, April 7, 2006


Whew! The wind is blowing! My two evergreen trees out front look like they are trying to hula. Just a few minutes ago I ran into the backyard and got my plastic lawn chair before it took off. - I brought the chair in and made sure there was nothing else out there that could blow away. Even the dog's fur was blowing. He looked a bit like a porcupine! Well I got him in and brushed. Now he is at my feet as I write. - The news said the wind is blowing 23-30 miles per hour! Some places it is gusting... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

BURRRP! (sorry)

BAURRP! BUrrrp! The sound was coming from the backpack of the guy in front of me in line at the DMV...uh MVD. He put it down at his feet and dug through it. The sound was his cell phone. Now that is a new ring tone. Ugh!...Oh that might be one too. - I spent a few hours at the MVD watching people and listening to their cellphones. The two fellows just behind me in line were there to re-title a truck. A young guy had bought the truck from an older gentleman. Hey I got to chatting with them. - The... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, April 3, 2006

WATER!! Gasp!

My tap water tastes funny. By funny I mean really yucky. So I bough a bottle of drinking water. It says on the bottle that it was prepared by reverse osmosis. From the taste of it, this means they got it from their garden hose. - Well, actually the water from my garden hose tastes better than the bottled water I bought. It tastes bitter (the bottled water that is). What, I wonder, is reverse osmosis? I have heard of osmosis. That is the way I used to study for tests in High School. I'd put the... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, April 1, 2006


Is what I said when I got this picture of a baby woodpecker. At least I think he is a woodpecker. He was pecking at the tree. - - He was pecking at the tree I ran inside and got my camera. He was still there! He looks kinda big in the picture but he was only the size of a sparrow. - Thanks for stopping by! Kinda cute isn't he? Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, March 31, 2006


Bo woke me up at four AM this morning growling and barking. At first I thought that there was someone trying to break in. Then I noticed a really pungent smell. - "You didn't do that did you?" I asked Bo. He just stood at the sliding glass door and continued growling. I turned the outside light on and caught a glimpse of something that could have been a cat... - Bo jumped up and demanded to go out. It was as I opened the door that it dawned on me that the smell was coming from outside. The cat... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, March 30, 2006


When allergy season comes around I get desperate. My doctor prescribed an antihistamine and even a nasal spray. I still sneezed. So I went to the health food store. They gave me vitamins. (Well, they sold them to me). They also suggested some drops. - I'll tell you what also happened. The doctor gave me a prescription for allergy pills, then he told me to never ever take one if I thought I had a cold. He made it sound like if I took it for a cold I'd topple over dead. - Well, It didn't help my... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Well I am at least going to look into the different kinds and price them. I picked up a couple of brochures at the dentist's office the other day. It seems that there are several different kinds. - You see I lost a couple of teeth about three years ago and couldn't get a fixed bridge because the supporting teeth weren't strong enough. So I ended up with a partial. Then about this time last year I had a root canal that went bad. - I suffered with that took penicillin had the root canal re-done.... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, March 27, 2006


Yeah, I know, most places it's called the DMV Department of Motor Vehicles, but in NM it is the MVD. It sounds like a disease. At the very least it is a pain in the neck that goes all the way down the back, if you know what I mean. - It takes at least half a day to go there and get any kind of business done. One time I thought I'd save myself a long wait. HA! So I dropped by the MVD office and took a number during my ten AM break. I figured maybe by lunch time they would finally get around to... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, March 26, 2006


This is from an e-mail I got! Subject: Fraud Warning Fraud Warning! WARNING! PLEASE READ IMMEDIATELY! THIS IS SERIOUS! If you get an envelope from a company called the Internal Revenue Service, DO NOT OPEN IT! This group operates a scam around this time every year. Their letter claims that you owe them money, which they will take and use to pay for the operation of essential functions of the United States government. - This is untrue! The money the IRS collects is used to fund various other... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


Hello Captain Kirk? Are you in there? That's what I felt like asking when I found this: hanging on the side mirror of my car when I got out of class yesterday. I wonder who left it? As you can see it is a small replica of the Starship Enterprise from the original Star Trek. - I wonder who put it there. Aliens maybe? I guess I'll just hang it on my rearview mirror. It is kind of neat. But why would someone leave it on my car? - Maybe I've been tagged to be abducted. Hummmm. Well thanks for... Sign in to see full entry.

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