Loosely Speaking

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Monday, December 28, 2020

Is it better to be right, or happy?

I had a card the other day from a woman who has been a member of the family ever since her son made my daughter pregnant, and then after a brief time, left her for someone he liked better. My daughter, however, remained loved and appreciated by this woman, and when her son callously 'disinvited' my daughter from their family gatherings, she was so pissed off at him, she told him he was the one not welcome. Patty has delighted in my daughter and our grandchild, living near enough to visit... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Life and Time

This Christmas will not be like last Christmas, before the pandemic swung into town. It won't be like next Christmas, either, though that one won't be like last year's either, because things have changed, but not back to 'normal.'This is good: It was not, in point of fact, a good 'normal,' it was just what we'd become used to. We are in a season of enlightenment, a turbulent changing of the tides. Raging waters will rush, cleaning out pockets of the old stuff that collects when the waters are... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

measure by measure

I've been watching a lot of Curiosity Stream shows, many nature documentaries, and many of those are from the UK, and that means that measurements are in metric. I keep thinking, yeah, going metric is not the worst idea every, seeing as in most of the world that's the standard.But my brain, as with most American brains, metric doesn't easily translate to miles and feet and ounces and pounds. It seems to me, if these documentaries gave both measures, it would surely ease along the learning and,... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

"Deep roots are not touched by the frost..."

Around the world, as European explorers roved out beyond their own boundaries, they treated every land that did not already have a European flag planted on it--and sometimes even if they did--as theirs for the claiming. They met the indigenous peoples who had, in fact, long ago discovered the lands themselves, and occupied them. Those European explorers were exploiters, disregarding any prior claims, treating the people like resources to be used for European benefits, or to be ploughed under as... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

When I say, Republicans with a sneer...

It's noticeable reading comments of Facebook posts that the blindly dedicated trumplings have no rational arguments to make, they tend to dive in with emotionally provocative attacks, as if that's what being a Republican Tea Party Conservative is all about. Maybe it is. And their idea of 'rational' is 'conspiracy theory.' Their most used-up tactic is to accuse anyone who is not them of doing what, in fact, they themselves are doing, or would do if they had the power/money. If they do, they are... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Immunization won't be a quick fix

It is essential that we all understand that the first shot of covid vaccine will not mean we can run right out and dance in the streets. It will take time to do its work in each body. It will require a time of further isolation, and a booster to reach actual, functional immunity. It will take six weeks, this process, and if we follow the schedule, there is actually a chance of beating down C-19, by giving it no place to go. If people don't follow the protocol out of ignorance or willfulness, it... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Your life soundtracks

There's a T-shirt you can get with electronics built in to record and play, as you wear it, your personal soundtrack. I replied to a comment from our Kabu that the right soundtrack can make all the difference with house-cleaning. And I shared my favorite for that, for years now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xhvd9twPEIo Whether you care for the movie--CONAN THE BARBARIAN--or have never even seen it, the music is epic! Basil Polidouris composed it, scene by scene, and the suite is meant to be... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Words to the wise...

This is the law concerning sedition and treason. https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=%2Fprelim%40title18%2Fpart1%2Fchapter115&edition=prelim&fbclid=IwAR0W3RNSqNHZ We have a huge amount of wiggle-room in this country, before such laws are actually applied. But there are some folks out there who'd be wise to acquaint themselves with the boundaries, and decide how much risk they really want to take. It is just possible these laws may be in the spotlight in the coming weeks and months, and... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Day After... and still counting.

I was up late last night, watching the voting news, exercising patience as the only other choice is unbearable frustration. I am thinking what probably a whole lot of people on both sides, Red or Blue, are thinking: How can nearly half this country's citizens be so utterly stupid? I won't say it doesn't matter who wins, because it really, really does. But whoever wins, the US is still a deperately divided nation, and that is one of our biggest problems. I know there are a lot of folks here in... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, November 2, 2020

When shenanigans backfire

So, yesterday friends and acquaintances from various parts of the country have reported long caravans of trumpist bullies blocking the highways. In Texas they nearly ran a Biden bus on its way to an event off the road, and rammed a car traveling with the bus. And their Dear Leader gave them a thumbs-up for it, called the FBI names for investigating the Texas incident. Do they mean to block access to the polls on Tuesday? If so, the joke is on them: Democrats, research has demonstrated, have... Sign in to see full entry.

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