The Ciel Show

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Night Lights

Earthday is celebrated every year with the Procession of the Species, which is later today. I've posted about it before: members of the the community spend anywhere from all year to 5 minutes contriving costumes and masks to represent the Earth and all its wonders, in a mile-long parade through the streets of downtown. Last night was another procession, all about light and illumination. Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Diapers for the Hutch

So--how to solve the leakage problem? The way leakage problems are often dealt with... with diapers. It took a while to determine where the water was coming from, though it was apparent it had something to do with the miserable, saturating rains we have had here the past many weeks. What I did determine, finally, was that I can't get at the problem easily. The water wells up through that 5-inch hole, probably because it has no other outlet but a very slow leak in the outer skin, at the lower... Sign in to see full entry.

nothin's perfick

There is a nasty leakage problem in the hutch... a hidden corner which I discovered a few days ago. The leak comes from a place up in the front of the loft area, where apparently the driver must have banged into something hard enough to make a small dent, and a broken seal. The water gets into a null space under the loft flooring, and has rotted out an area about 5 inches in diameter. It wasn't visible until I actually looked for it, after finding a dampness on the mattress. Of course, I... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Where do you live...?

Actually, as I plan out my travels, I am wondering how likely it is that I will be passing by or staying a while, even, in areas where any other Blogiters hang out. If you'd maybe like to meet up for coffee, or lunch or just to share a walk in the park, send me an email and we can talk about it! Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Yesterday I saw a female robin outside the window. She was tearing into a fallen log of alder, moss-covered and lush from all the weeks of rain. After a moment I saw she was not after grubs, but was snatching up moss, which she flew off with. Ah... spring! This morning I saw where she is building her nest: in the branches of a tree about 10 feet from the ground, and beside my front steps. Right now it is a big soft cluster of green moss, and as time passes and the sun shines, it will dessicate... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, April 11, 2011

learning to live in a small space

When I first began to shift my 'home-sense' to the little motorhome, I wanted to make it my perfect cozy space, with all the elements of comfort and... dare I say, elegance... that wants real wood, not plastic, and joyful little decorative items, otherwise pointless, on display. The space of home is an outward expression of one's inner space. Have you noticed? You go through a cathartic shift in your life, your self, and suddenly, it is time to change around the furniture and toss out stuff last... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Today it's better...

More evidence for the brain-chemistry causes of depression: ups and downs, almost predictable: a few days descending, the day or two in the deepest place, then the bounce and return to light... so the cycle runs. The other day was a bad one. Very bad. There has been too much rain, too many emotional/psychological bits and pieces that get rolling as soon as I am conscious in the morning, and start the cascade downhill until I am somewhere under the avalanche, thinking letting go is better than... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


One of those days again. Struggling for enough light to get by. Sad, that meds might be the answer, the thing that makes it okay to be without a person in my life to give so much of a damn that they care how I'm feeling... No, it is not a good day. Does it matter that it is brain chemistry that gets me stuck on that one little truth: that makes it impossible, for a while, to tolerate, to get on past it with a philosophic, 'Oh well' and some chocolate? I know, I know: take the meds, everyone will... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring coming in...

Between the rains, we get patches of blue sky and the thermometer climbs ever so slowly... In a park in Centralia, Washington, the rhodies are winter-beaten, but gathering themselves to burst into a beautiful springtime. Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

So tired of being wet...

It is spring here, bright green leaves are spreading through the woods, and the first crocusses are fading already. I saw blooming daffodils the other day. Now, if only the rain would stop. Something to bear in mind when you start to fundamentally change major elements of your life: It is possible to change too many things at once, and suddenly, circuits start to blow, until all you want to do is sit still and wait for shards and ashes to stop falling from the sky. And the rain. Metaphors mix... Sign in to see full entry.

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