The Ciel Show

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Could be worse.

But it is just my camera gone wonky and murdering memory cards. So many photos, gone totally. Some... might be somehow magically accessible. But probably not. Thankfully, I had already collected many of them up to now onto laptop. But I mourn the lost ones... On the other hand... a recent realization is sinking in, I am remembering it when I need to. (This might go well in my Universe blog, but it suits this one, too.) This is it: I get stuck sometimes on what I have, and forget that what really... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Greetings!

I am happy to confirm that Christmas Day arrived on the planet just at midnight this morning and is well on its way around the globe to you. This sweet rose was in the garden where we found our Christmas tree. May it give you cheer! Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The wind is blowing...

Strong and gusty, it knocks the trees around it moans and whistles around the house, playing a tune on every crevice. The trees around this house are nothing like the tall forests I'm used to, they are thick, clustering shrubs that stand twice or three times the height of a man. They are lush with leaf, ranging from little round rattly ones to long whispering needles, and stalks of stiff blades, like agave. Plenty of shapes and sizes to slice the wind into little bursts and wisps and fragments... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

at home for a moment

Three days to get everything done, everything fixed, appointments kept, laundries done and appropriately put away or packed... Yesterday, two appts at the doctors' offices and one to the computer store where I acquired my laptop last August, that went wonky over the past two weeks: I lugged it to Colorado just to watch it sit useless for a week. The wonkiness, it turned out, was a dead hard drive. I hear you say, ouch! and yes, ouch! Ouch also, that it could not be sorted before probably next... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Not exactly a stunning success...

There were a few folks who stopped and looked, fewer who stayed to chat... no one was in the market for photography coffee table books... Ah well... exposure is exposure of my exposures... After several fine clear days, it is snowing tonight in the Springs. Tomorrow, temps are supposed to reach 50s F. Welcome to Colorado! I'm hoping for a few hours at the Cheyenne Mt Zoo tomorrow. Tuesday morning I'm outta here, bound for the airport for a flight out ~2:30. Home for 3 days, then Saturday, back... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Mission accomplished...

My son and I are back at his house,after an enjoyable family dinner and visit. My mom, 88 last September, finally agreed a few months ago to move in with my sister. Actually, she's my stepmom and my sister is my stepsister, her own only child. For their first years as a family, it was just the two of them, and finally, the circle has come round and they are both very pleased with the new arrangement. So, I am likewise very happy that they both have what they need and want, and everyone is less... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

High yesterday in Colorado Springs was 44F. Low was -1F

Today, it is, at 9:30, 10F with the expected high, 28F; tomorrow the high is predicted to reach 53. As my son is prone to say when faced with such conditions: Welcome to Colorado! Soon we will be on the road north to Estes Park to celebrate Thanksgiving with my mom and sister. Such is our family dynamic that I have not sat down to such an occasion with them since I was in high school, and this will be a first for Charlie. There is potential for... the kind of family gathering that become... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Colorado is not warm, but it is sunny

and thus a more than welcome contrast to Washington State where it was snowing and blowing yesterday morning. Frustrating to discover, my laptop is all... wonky. One error, sorry must close message after another. Not even willing to fire up now. Virus? Another motherboard death? I can't say how much I regret bringing it along, adding several pounds pointlessley to my already-heavy luggage. There won't be time or funds to set it right before I get back from the next trip, the end of January. So... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

It surprises me...

When I see how long it's been since I've written here. Truth is, I have been in a slump. Feeling overwhelmed by futility of... so many things that comprise my life. Truth is, I have conflicting cravings, that have fought me to a stand-still. I daresay I will remain wedged in this place, in this unpretty pass, until I commit to one or the other direction and let go my inner death-grip on the other. The following might be the prologue of a soul-wrending novel, if the rest ever gets written. I... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I sent an email to Souljacker1972 today.

We have not had a 'postcard from Kabul' since May. I know very well that he is not likely to have much personal time nor opportunity to share here, and that what a soldier there has is very likely going to be spent connecting with 'real life' friends and relatives. Just reminding you here, our friend is there, and your thoughts, prayers, golden clouds of good vibes, are not wasted, flowing in his direction. Sign in to see full entry.

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