How the Universe looks from here

By Ciel - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Religion & Spirituality

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


An aside, to consider The Beast... 666 the Number of the Beast. 664 the Neighbor of the Beast 999 the Beast doing handstands... 696...and backflips... 888 The Beast in a Corset 000 Fat Beast 111 Skinny Beast (666) 666-6666 Phone Number of the Beast Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Opera Phantoms

Lurking, whispering, doing their best to distract and seduce... Self-pity... Resentment... Envy... Others, in other masks and guises... They all have pitiable reasons for their existence and their tragic twistings of truth and light, but we do not dare give ourselves over to them, no matter that we understand and weep with them sometimes, and wish with all our hearts to heal them... What does it take to heal them? They would say, "Give me what I ask for and I'll be at peace," but to give them... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Body and Spirit -- Part Two: Why We Can't End World Hunger With Magic

It has been recently reported that liberalism and conservatism are personality-driven choices: the more anxious personality clings to the security of rules and order. This personality prefers everyone to follow the same rules, to keep the world more predictable. Being so fear-based, this is a body-driven personality, where Self is identified with the body's imperatives When such a personality looks to the spiritual for support, it is looking at the Divine, however it defines that, as something... Sign in to see full entry.

Spirit and Body: It's about balance

I've written on this topic before, a long time ago, a long ways back: the difference between physical and spiritual realities, and the futility of trying to manage either one with the truths and solutions of the other. We are human beings: creatures composed of physical matter, that houses spiritual essence. We don't have souls: We are souls, that have bodies. (Someone recently attributed this statement to CS Lewis, but if he said it, good chance he got it from George MacDonald, one of the... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Chimpanzee by Nature

I am amused, thinking about chimps making tools to fish snacks out of termite mounds, while I am sitting here making tools to fish lint out of my lap-top. If you've been following this blog for a while, you know already that I see the world of the wild great apes as the world from which we ourselves emerged: creatures breaking free of the simple life guided by instinct and supported by nature's providence. Our essential humanity, that which truly makes us different from animals, is our... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Pat's comment to the previous post sparks this one:

I can see the inner child/adolescent/adult model. My dad defined those three aspects thusly: a child needs to be cared for; an adolescent can care for him/herself; an adult is able to care for others. Once we have been all three, we have those aspects, those parts of our selves, that come into play. That's a nice psychological model. Then, there is also the outer Self, the one that is not a 'part' but the source and container of the 'parts.' Child, Adolescent and Adult all influence, but the... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Shams-i-Heartsong's blog today inspired this:

That blog quotes a philosophy of 'threes' and states that Unity is the absolute goal, if I understood it correctly. ( ) There is another 'three' also: the body, the mind/heart, the soul. Some problems, solutions, and philosophies, apply more to one of these parts than to another. Absolute freedom is the ideal of soul, but it is abolute chaos to the body: we drive on roads with curbs, stop at stop signs, obey conventions like all driving on the... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Brains are neat! Seung is focusing on the brain itself, where what I've studied before is the mind. They are not quite the same, but they go closely together. The mind might be considered the astral body of the brain. I have to think on that some... Anyway, what he calls 'connectome' seems to match up with what I'd call the individual's 'totality of belief systems,' and the key to healing damaged connections is also probably a... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Considering Evil

Some of us don't believe in Evil as a thing in itself, only as an effect, a shadow cast by blockages in understanding, that interrupt and distort the Light that flows freely towards us from the Universe. For some of us, it is an entity, sometimes even an incarnate Being, a personality in itself, an actual dark presence, not merely a lack of Light. This is not about which of those scenarios is nearer the Truth. Truth, after all, is as elusive a concept as Evil, with many ideas of whether it is an... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Agtheistics 3

So-- we choose. We decide if we will pursue Truth with our own tools, if we will attempt to put together the Great Puzzle with what pieces we find, that we can pluck from the Universe, and trust in our own puzzle-solving skills. Or if we will trust more in someone else to do the heavy lifting and the homework, and get it right enough to get us where we're trying to go. There is a certain emotional insecurity for all but the most hubristic of human beings, in taking the independent path. If we... Sign in to see full entry.

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